Teaching qualification course in San Marino schools Academic Year 2023/2024

Annual training course with enabling value for access to teaching in lower and upper secondary schools and to teaching English and physical education in schools of all types and levels in the Republic of San Marino.


AY 2023/2024

Establishing Decree: State Congress Resolution n.34 of 18 July 2023

notice: Rectoral Decree n.38 of 18 September 2023

Costs: €2.800,00, the first installment of €1.500,00 to be paid upon registration (by 13 October 2023) and the second installment of €1.300,00 (to be paid by 31 January 2024).

For information: dsu@unirsm.sm – Department of Human Sciences – Viale A. Onofri, 87 – San Marino



The training for aspiring teachers is divided into 5 main activities for a total of 60 ECTS according to the following scheme:


  1. Educational science course divided as follows:

General teaching 1 (3 CFU);

General teaching 2 (3 CFU);

Group work methodology (3 credits);

Educational technologies (3 credits);

Special pedagogy (6 credits);

Evaluation theory and strategies (6 credits);

Adolescent psychology (6 credits);

Psychology of learning (6 credits);

Teaching of Human Sciences or (depending on the teaching classes) Teaching of Natural Sciences or Teaching of Mathematical Sciences (6 CFU);

Teaching of multilingualism (3 credits).


2. Critical introduction to active training and its implementation methods.

3. 200-hour internship (175 hours of direct internship in the class(es) and 25 hours of indirect internship which can be carried out outside the classroom for meetings with the internship tutors, with the welcoming teacher or the class council) at affiliated schools with the production of a presentation report and reflection on the experience carried out.

4. Certified attendance at two seminars or training meetings chosen from a list presented by the Department, on one of which a report can be made based on a pre-established format.

5. Final exam.


The teaching qualification course in San Marino schools is reserved exclusively for residents and citizens of San Marino, on the basis of the legislation that authorizes the University to activate such courses. Therefore the University of San Marino cannot accept enrollments from NON-residents or NON-San Marino citizens.

San Marino legislation does not provide for the granting of residency for the attendance of a university course. For more information, contact the Foreign Office of the Gendarmerie.

Those who have obtained the teaching qualification relating to a specific competition class can enroll in the course to extend the qualification to all the competition classes foreseen for the qualification held. In this case, reduced training courses may be envisaged, on which the final exam will focus and the relative registration fee is re-measured on the basis of the number of modules attended.


They can sign up for Qualification course for teaching in San Marino schools candidates in possession of the following requirements:

  • San Marino citizenship or residence already acquired in the territory of the Republic of San Marino;
  • qualifications provided for in Annex "A" to Delegated Decree 23 June 2021 n.112 for registration in the teaching rankings.

The qualifications must have been obtained by the deadline set in the announcement. Any additional credits, necessary for inclusion in specific rankings, may also be obtained after attending the course, without this affecting its validity and consequent qualification.

San Marino automatically recognizes all educational qualifications obtained or deemed valid in Italy.

Recognition outside San Marino

The teaching qualification course in San Marino schools presents some differences compared to the Italian one currently being defined, therefore at the moment there are no agreements for the recognition of the qualification.