University of San MarinoUniversityQuality Assurance System

Quality Assurance System

The University of the Republic of San Marino promotes the dissemination of the culture of quality, interpreting it as an organizational tool for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the University's activities.

The dissemination of the culture of quality aims to promote the active involvement of all scientific and technical-administrative staff and students.

The Quality Policies of the University of the Republic of San Marino make structural reference to the indications of the so-called Bologna Process. In addition, since San Marino became a member of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in 2020, they are inspired by the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).

The fundamental principles that characterize the University's Quality Policies (University Quality Policies) are:

  • Centrality of the student
  • Inclusion, gender equality and attention to the well-being of the entire academic community
  • Internationalization and enhancement of exchanges and mobility
  • Listening to and engaging with internal and external stakeholders
  • Transparency, legality and integrity
  • Sustainability and environmental protection

The Quality Assurance System of Teaching and Student Services is aimed at ensuring that the educational objectives identified during the design of the Degree Courses are always consistent with the cultural, scientific and social needs that characterize training courses in contemporary society. For the purpose of designing the offer, the availability of adequate teaching resources, staff and services is assessed, and subsequently the results and strategies adopted to allow correction and improvement actions are monitored. Particular attention is paid to the evaluation by students through questionnaires that guarantee their involvement regarding: the perception of the quality of the teaching staff, the time taken to acquire the teaching material, the overall teaching load.

The Research and Third Mission Quality Assurance System is aimed at ensuring, at central and departmental level, the quality of research and third mission activities, through the development of a strategy capable of confronting in a positive and proactive way with the orientations emerging from the choices of the Governments and civil society of the Republic, on the basis of the choices made by the Governing Bodies, based on the analysis of the outcomes of the evaluations, the oucomes of the monitoring of the results of the policies and actions aimed at achieving it and the resources available. The Quality Assurance of Research and Service to Society is implemented by taking the individual Departments as reference subjects.

The internal quality assurance system is clearly attributed to specific bodies that operate in synergy with the University governance. In particular, the University Quality Assurance (PQA) operates within the University Structure through a specific Regulation (PQA Regulation).

The Quality Policies are formulated by the Governing Bodies and shared with the entire academic community. They are promoted and monitored by the University Quality Committee (Presidio della Qualità di Ateneo, PQA) and are evaluated by the Independent Evaluation Body (Organismo Indipendente di Valutazione, OIV).

The main bodies in the University's Quality Assurance System are:

  • Governing bodies
    • Rector
    • General Manager
    • Academic Senate
    • University Council
  • University Quality Committee
  • Independent Evaluation Body
  • Rector's Delegates
    • Delegates fot Teaching
    • Delegates for Research
  • Departments and Department Directors
  • Degree Programmes and Degree Programme Directors
  • Student Ombudsman
  • Student Council
  • Joint Professor-Student Committees of the Department