The University Quality Assurance Office (PQA) is the internal operational structure of the University that ensures the adequate and uniform implementation of quality assurance processes in line with national and international regulatory guidelines and best practices. The PQA collaborates in implementing the quality policies defined by the Governing Bodies, thus contributing to the continuous improvement of the Departments and Courses of Study and to the development in quality of teaching, research and third mission activities.
The Presidium acts as a link between the central bodies and the peripheral teaching and research structures in the quality assurance processes and systematically carries out training and information activities on related issues. The Presidium promotes the improvement of the system through guidelines, consultation of all stakeholders, monitoring of indicators, analysis and sharing of the results of the self-assessment and internal and external evaluation processes, enhancing the best practices identified.
In carrying out its functions, the PQA systematically interacts with the University Governing Bodies, with the Department Directors and with the Course Directors in order to ensure the effective implementation of the QA processes. In carrying out its activities, it coordinates with the Independent Evaluation Body in compliance with the specific prerogatives and skills.