UNIRSM Calls Call for student collaborations 150 hours - DSU - 2023

Call for student collaborations 150 hours - DSU - 2023



Publication date


End date



The ranking is published in the attached box

The Magnificent Rector of the University of the Republic of San Marino

In Virtue of the Law of 25 April 2014 n. 67 “Framework Law on University Education”.

VISTA practice no. 16/2023 authorized by the University Council in session no. 1 of 9 February 2023 and DG file no. 10036 authorized on 14 February 2023, which authorizes the activation of student collaborations for part-time activities of students enrolled in the degree courses of the Department of Human Sciences of the University of San Marino;

the following announcement for the discipline of the forms of collaboration of students in activities related to the services rendered by the University.

Art 1
Object and aspects of the collaboration

  1. This Call regulates the forms of collaboration for students enrolled in degree courses of the Department of Human Sciences, for activities related to the services provided by the University, with the exception of those related to teaching activities, the carrying out of exams, as well as assumption of administrative responsibilities.
  2. The activities for which forms of student collaboration are envisaged are the following: • n. 3 collaborations: Social media marketing laboratory at CdL Communication and Digital Media office • n. 2 collaborations: Editorial web project at CdL Comunicazione and Digital Media offices

    • no. 1 collaboration: Usmaradio – promotion, communication at the CdL Design headquarters

The application must be submitted no later than the peremptory deadline of 12.00 on 10 March 2023, by hand or by post at the headquarters of the Degree Courses in Communication and Digital Media – Viale Antonio Onofri, 87 San Marino Città (RSM) at the following times: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 12.00 or by email at: dsu@unirsm.sm.


The collaboration is expected to start on 20 March 2023.