Educational calendar

These calendars may undergo changes.

2024-2025 academic year

Calendar of the Master and Specialization Course in Managerial Practices in the Public Administration for the academic year 2024-2025 (last modification 15.07.2024)

The calendar shows the lessons that will be held remotely, the others are mandatory in person unless changes are promptly communicated.

Didactic organization

Il Specialization course has a six-month duration.

Lessons will take place approximately twice a month, on Friday afternoon and full day on Saturday. The teaching method of the individual modules is indicated in the calendar.

Total credits: 12


  • compulsory for 80% of lectures (including supplementary teaching activities)

Final Exam

The final evaluation will be carried out for each Course and Master by specific Commissions on the basis of the discussion of the project work developed by the participants.

The development of the project work, which will form the basis for the final assessment of learning, will constitute a further opportunity for active learning as the participants, under the guidance of a tutor, will be called to transfer the knowledge and experience acquired during the training course in a specific context application.

Conferences and seminars

Click here to discover the complete list of conferences and seminars in the criminological, victimological, legal and biomedical fields.

Registration for individual teaching modules

It is possible to follow SINGLE MODULES (single weekends didpenthouses) of the Master at a cost of €150,00 per module (online desk ).