UNIRSM Events Digital Media and Disinformation

Digital Media and Disinformation





University of San Marino
Department of Humanities
Degree Course in Communication and Digital Media

Department of History, Culture and History of San Marino

Facebook Live: @unirsm.digitalmedia

Digital Media and Disinformation

20 May 2021
from 8.45 am to 18.30 pm

I SESSION | 8.45 – 13.00

Maria Elena D'Amelio University of San Marino

Corrado Petrocelli – Magnificent Rector of the University of San Marino

Andrea Belluzzi – Secretary of State for Education
and Culture, the University

Theodore Lonfernini – Secretary of State for Labour,
economic planning, information


Mario Caligiuri – University of Calabria, Italian Intelligence Society
The disinformation society

Serena Giusti Sant'Anna High School
Democracy and fake news

Marco Providera – University of San Marino
Information Warfare, "Lawfare" and Intelligence: the case of the US presidential elections

John Zagni - Political report card
Watch dogs? Contemporary journalism and the fact-checking phenomenon

Geraldine Roberti – University of L'Aquila
Young people, social media and (dis)information

Louis War - University of San Marino
The possible disinformation drifts of Digital Media in school education

II SESSION | 14.30 – 18.30

Marco Providera – University of San Marino

Sergio Mercuri – Ambassador of Italy in the Republic of San Marino


Marco Pirato – Italian Society of Pharmacology
COVID-19 and infodemic. From Wanna Marchi to the Stamina method, from no-vax to SARS-CoV-2: how they are born and why they like hoaxes in health communication

Roberto Mugavero – University of San Marino – OSdIFE
Social Media, Terrorism, Crime and Extremism: Risks and Opportunities of New Technologies in the Time of COVID-19

Henry Borghi – Parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Italian Republic
Disinformation and national security

Luca Gorgolini – University of San Marino
The role of social media in hybrid warfare

Sylvie Bollini – Permanent Representative of San Marino to the Council of Europe
The commitment of the European institutions in the fight against disinformation

Poster Conference Digital Media and Disinformation 20.05.2021
