Biographical profile
Daniele Donati is Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Bologna, where since the 2001/2002 academic year he has held various courses (public law, administrative law, communication and media law, legal profiles of art, property and of cultural activities) in three-year and master's degree courses, masters, specialization schools.
He also teaches numerous postgraduate courses at the University of Bologna and in other Italian universities.
Abroad, he has worked and taught at:
- University College London and Institute for advanced Lega Studies, London, May 2018 and May 2019, within the Staff Exchange Program, Erasmus
- Université Panthéon Sorbonne – Paris 1, Paris (F), from 18 to 26 October 2015 within the Staff Exchange Program, Erasmus
- University of Virginia (USA) September/October 2010, as Distinguished International Fellow
- CERSA, Center d'Études et de Recherches de Science Administrative, Université Panthéon-Assas -Paris 2 and Center National de la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS, Paris (F) from April to May 2006
- London Metropolitan University, Faculty of Law Governance and International Relations, London (UK) June 1997, with specific interests in the constitutional systems of the countries of the Maghreb area
Since 2010, it is:
- Distinguished International Fellow at the University of Virginia (USA)
- Member of the editorial board of the Politische Italien-Forschung (PIFO) of the Justus Liebig University of Giessen (Germany).
In 2015 he started a collaboration between the University of Bologna and the newly established chair of Islamic Studies of the Université Panthéon Sorbonne – Paris 1, with prof. Eric Vallet, for the implementation of exchange and research programs in this specific field of study.
- President of the Libraries Institution of the Municipality of Bologna from 2011 to today
- President of the Scientific Committee for the Bologna Metropolitan Strategic Plan from 2011 to 2014
- Member of the Board of Directors of Genus Bononiae – Museum of the City of Bologna srl, an instrumental company of the Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna Foundation from 2013 to 2016
- Member of the Scientific Committee of CUP2000 SpA from 5 July 2017 to 15 October 2018
- Member/coordinator of the National Group of Experts for the Strategic Metropolis project of ANCI and the Department of Public Function, in the context of the PON Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014/2020 from 2018 to today
- Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee for research on Cultural and Creative Industries in Emilia-Romagna, ERVET – Emilia-Romagna Economic valorisation of the Spa territory between 2017 and 2018
For the Italian Government and numerous territorial authorities, he currently deals with
- the reform of metropolitan cities
- strategic planning of the vast area
Main publications
In addition to his monographic work "The subsidiary paradigm - interpretations, extension, guarantees", published by Il Mulino in 2013, he is co-author with Roberto Bin and Giovanni Pitruzzella of the manual "Outlines of public law for social services (Giappichelli, 2014) ”, and over 50 essays, published in collective books and magazines, both Italian and international. Latest in chronological order: curator and author of theAnnotated legal dictionary for European / Islamic comparative studies (Bononia University Press, 2019) and author of the essay “Governing the elusive. Culture in regulatory discipline and administrative practice" in Munus magazine (n. 2/2017 Editoriale Scientifica srl).
Research interests
Her research topics are and have been:
- Art, culture and legal system
- The reform of the government of the greater area and of the metropolitan cities;
- Citizens' rights in relation to the health and social protection system;
- The principle of transparency and institutional profiles related to communication and ICT;
- The processes of participatory democracy and the principle of horizontal subsidiarity
Took part in numerous national and international research projects since 2005. Currently, it is research team member for the University of Bologna in the European project Meeting new societal needs” within INSECT (Horizon 2020), and proponent and manager of the three-year project Annotated Dictionary for Comparative Legal Studies funded by the Chair for Islamic Studies “King Abdulaliz”
Rapporteur in numerous conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad (especially in England, Germany, the United States, France, Austria and Greece).
Between 2015 and 2017 he held seminars organized in various local, metropolitan and provincial administrations:
- in matters of strategic planning;
- on the applications of the principle of transparency and civic access;
- on the applications of the principle of horizontal subsidiarity.