Biographical profile
Graduated in Philosophy, received his doctorate in Semiotics under the direction of Umberto Eco at the University of Bologna, where in 2000 she joined as a researcher. Today you are Full Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Communication of the University of Bologna, where you teach Semiotics and Storytelling e Semiotics of new media for the three-year degree course in Communication Sciences, Semiotics of consumption for the master's degree in Semiotics.
From 1 November 2009 to 31 October 2012 she was President of the degree Masters in Semiotics from Bologna. From the November 1, 2012 to September 30, 2018 she was Coordinator of the three-year degree in Communication Sciences from Bologna.
From 2001 to 2014 she taught fundamental courses for various Masters at the Alma Graduate School (today Bologna Business School) of the University of Bologna. In particular, from 2011 to 2014 you held the characterizing course in English Strategic Positioning and Online/Offline Reputation for the International Master in Marketing, Communication and New Media.
Since 2003 is a tutor at the Higher College of the University of Bologna, where he held advanced seminars.
From July 2, 2013 to July 2, 2018 she was President of Co.Re.Com Emilia-Romagna. As a freelance duly authorized by the University of Bologna, you have carried out and continue to carry out consultancy and training activities for various professional training centres, public bodies and companies.
She collaborates with the Department of Human Sciences of the University of San Marino, where she is Director of the Master in Communication, Management and New Media and the three-year degree course in Communication and Digital Media.
Main publications
He has written numerous articles, published in collective volumes and in national and international journals.
Among the most recent books: Semiotics and political communication (Laterza, 2018), Introduction to the semiotics of new media (Laterza, 2014), Spot Politik. Because the "caste" does not know how to communicate (Laterza, 2012).