Biographical profile
Luca Poma is a journalist, author of books, essays and articles, works as a university professor and specialist in Reputation management, with both online and off-line interventions based on digital media strategy projects and unconventional communication, corporate social responsibility and early prevention of crisis scenarios. He is a professional partner of FERPI – Federation of Public and Institutional Relations, member of the Board of Directors of the "Business Communication Club" of the Industrial Union of Turin, and member of the National Union of Medical and Scientific Information.
Speaker at one hundred and fifty conferences and study seminars, he is a contract professor at the LUMSA University of Rome, holder of the first chair in "Reputation Management" in Italy, where he is supervisor of experimental theses on integrated reporting, holds the teaching business and reputation management in the Double Degree Course "Communication and Digital Media" of the University of the Republic of San Marino and the University of Bologna, and teaches Communication Strategies in the 1st level Master's Degree "Health Systems" of the 'University of Milan Bicocca, Digital communication strategy at the Master "Corporate Communication and Institutional Relations" of the Business School of "Il Sole 24 Ore" in Rome, and Crisis communication at the Master "Communication, management and new media" of the University of Studies of the Republic of San Marino, and Digital PR at the Master "Digital Marketing" of the LUMSA University of Rome.
Author of the “Il Sole 24 Ore” group, he has published eleven books and over one hundred articles and essays for various publishers, including “CSR 2.0: 15 rules for a new business model”, “New tools for CSR: Complex Neural Networks”, “Crisis Management: how to communicate crises”, “The sex appeal of digital bodies” and “Dear Minister – 12 months of digital diplomacy”. You are a columnist and correspondent for Italian and foreign magazines and radios, on communication and sustainability issues, and you have given two hundred interviews in print and TV; in his blog, Biagio Oppi reports it among “the 50 Italian faces of communication”.
For his multi-stakeholder communication projects, he received the Silver Plate from the President of the Italian Republic in 2007, and the "Public Affairs Award" in 2011 for “Excellence in communication”, conferred in the Sala Capitolare of the Senate of the Republic. His projects on the topic of sustainability and transparent and integrated reporting have won awards “Ethic Award Sole 24 Ore”, “Buone Prassi Unioncamere Lombardia”, “Sodalitas Social Award”, “Piazza dei Mercanti Chamber of Commerce of Milan”, “Awards for Excellence Confindustria”, “Productive Milano Chamber of Commerce”, “Grandesign Etico ”, “Premio Etico Plana”, “European CSR Award Scheme”, “Vedogreen Award”, “Le Tigri Grand Thornton”, “Unioncamere Responsible Company”, “TopLegal Corporate Award”.
He contributed to the planning of the communication strategies of the World March for Peace, a social initiative to raise awareness on non-violence which unfolded - with over 300 events - along 190.000 kilometers in 98 countries around the world.
He has worked since 1990 on projects developed in Benin, Jordan, India, Switzerland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Principality of Monaco, Kenya, Brazil, Morocco, Tanzania, Malaysia, Uruguay, Argentina, Russia, Romania, Hungary , China, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates and Colombia.
His work has been the subject of study at the Bocconi University in Milan and in nine other Italian universities, where degree theses have been discussed on his activities and on his public affairs and communication strategies.
In the XVI Legislature he was Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic, for which he drafted the strategic communication plan "MAECOM" and coordinated the activities of presence on the web 2.0 and the most innovative opportunities for promotion and public visibility of the Ministry. In April 2013, he was appointed member of the Working Group for the elaboration of strategic communication policies of the Ministry of Defense of the Italian Republic.
From April 2013 to today, he has been Counselor to Ambassador Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, assisting him in his digital projection as President of the "Global Committee for the Rule of Law", a transnational body that deals with projects on the theme of affirmation of the rule of law.
After having covered the role of Public and International Relations Advisor of the photojournalism agency "Magnum Photos ®" for a few years, he became a partner of the sustainability network "Lifegate"; on a voluntary basis, he also covers the role of national spokesperson for the “Giù le Mani dai Bambini” ® Committee
Main publications
Author of the "Il Sole 24 Ore" group, he has published nine books and over one hundred and fifty articles and essays for various publishers, including "CSR 2.0: 15 rules for a new business model", "Complex Neural Networks", and " Crisis Management: how to communicate crises”.