UNIRSM People Lucio Spaziante

Lucio Spaziante

Office hours

Before or after class, and online on Team

Biographical profile

Lucio Spaziante is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Language Theory at the Department of Arts, University of Bologna, where he teaches in the area of semiotics. He obtained a PhD in Semiotics under the supervision of Umberto Eco and Paolo Fabbri, and subsequently taught and researched at various Italian universities (Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia, IULM) and abroad (UCL Belgium, France, Great Britain, UCSD United States, Waseda Japan). He was Secretary and then Vice President of the AISS (Italian Association for Semiotic Studies).

Main publications

His published volumes include: Remix-Remake. (XNUMX, with Nicola Dusi), Sociosemiotica del pop. (XNUMX) and Icone pop (XNUMX).

Recent publications include: La versione infinita: riedizione come risemantizzazione, «Versus», (XNUMX); Lo studio delle sottoculture musicali: sguardi disciplinari, trasformazioni sociali, mutamenti estetici, (con Paolo Magaudda), «Studi Culturali», XNUMX; La relazione tra suono e immagine nel videoclip, «estetica. studi e ricerche», XNUMX.

Research interests

He conducts research in the field of media, audiovisual language, music, and youth cultures.