Biographical profile
Paolo Odoardi. Marketing professional and communications analyst; in his career he combines an important academic background with twenty years of work experience in the design and management of digital strategies, for Italian and international brands.
PhD in Semiotics, in 2009, at SUM Italia (SNS), chaired by Umberto Eco. In 2008 he was Research Scholar at the Department of Cognitive Science of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.
Since 2009 he has been working as a contract professor in several universities: UNIRSM, University of Bologna, International Telematic University Uninettuno, IAAD. His publications are mainly dedicated to the study of the areas of intersection between semiotic skills and digital media.
In the professional field, he is Marketing Manager of Euris (, a leading technology company, in the Top 100 of software and services companies in Italy. Over the years, in various experiences in leading agencies in the digital world, he has worked on international projects for the most important brands in Italian Fashion & Lifestyle, Banking & Finance, Food & Travel.
Main publications
2024 “Critique (semiotic) of the (algorithmic) reason of Instagram”, in “Versus, Quaderni di studi semiotici”, n.2/24 (accepted/forthcoming).
2020 “Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Semiotics: How to Work Effectively on Keywords”, in Bianchi, C. and Cosenza, G. (eds.), Semiotics and Digital Marketing, Lexia n. 33-34.
2012 “Armed with irony for a semiotic guerrilla. A cognitive semiotic analysis of culture jamming”, in Tropes and Schemes, Cognitive Semiotics #6, Todd Oakley & Ana M. Abrantes (eds.)
Research interests
Digital Marketing – Artificial Intelligence – Search Engine – Social Media