Mauro Alessandro CorticelliLearning objectives
Acquire knowledge of a) fundamental principles of Thermodynamics, b) the main mechanisms of heat transmission; c) fundamental principles of acoustics. For all three points mentioned, the fundamental objective is to acquire the knowledge necessary to apply the basic principles to industrial and civil systems and environmental interest.
Course content
Introduction to the course and definitions.
Thermodynamic systems. Closed systems and open systems.
First Law: First Law for cyclic transformations; specific heats, conservation of mass.
Thermodynamic Transformations. Thermodynamic diagrams. Saturated vapours. Ideal gases: generalities; equation of state; transformations of ideal gases. Pure substances: generality; (p,v,T), (p,T) and (p,v) diagrams; thermodynamic properties. mixtures of air and water vapr
Second Principle: Statements; reversibility and irreversibility; Carnot cycle reversible thermodynamic cycles; entropy.
Gas cycles: Petrol, Diesel Brayton
Steam thermodynamic cycles: Rankine cycle; refrigeration cycle.
Psychometrics and psychrometric applications
Heat exchange mode. Generalities and definitions.
Conduction. Fourier's law. Thermal conductivity. Fourier's equation. Stationary conduction without heat generation. Electrothermal analogy, transient conduction with lumped parameters
Convection. Generality. Forced, natural and mixed convection. Elements of dimensional analysis. Forced convection: special cases. Natural and mixed convection: special cases.
Transmittance of a wall and global heat transfer coefficient. Heat exchangers
Radiation. Generality. Definitions. Fundamental quantities. Black body radiation. Fundamental laws of radiation.
Technical applications. Generality. Conduction and convection.
Thermal insulation.
Thermal comfort; metabolism; clothing, body surface heat exchange, PMV, PPD, local discomfort
Sound, frequencies, operations in acoustics
propagation in open and closed fields (sound insulation and sound absorption)
psychophysical acoustics,
legislation for workplaces, outdoor and indoor residential environments
Students must know the fundamental concepts of Analysis. Limits, derivatives and integrals. Function studies.
It is essential that students have basic knowledge of Mathematics, Algebra and Geometry (trigonometry, logarithms, algebraic equations, etc.)
Basics of differential equations.
Students must be aware of the fundamental concepts and quantities of Mechanics: force, work, energy, power;. Units of measurement and their use in calculations, with particular attention to the different systems of units of measurement and conversions between systems.
MJ Moran, HN Shapiro,DD:Boettner, MB:Bailey, BR Munson, DP DeWitt Elements of Technical Physics for Engineering
Second Italian Edition McGraw Hill 2022
Copy of the slides for lessons available on TEAMS platform
Teaching methods and tools
Lectures and classroom exercises
Assessment methods and criteria
written exam on thermodynamic properties of fluids and oral exam on the whole program
Additional info
the concepts of energy and energy saving are understood with particular reference to the environment, industry and construction