UNIRSM Study plan Land survey

Land survey








Marco Dubbini


Paolo Rossi

Learning objectives

Provide a basic knowledge of the main methods of topographic surveying with traditional and modern methods, treatment of observations, evaluation of the quality of the results obtained and planning of topographic work. Illustrate the principles relating to photogrammetric survey methods, with laser and satellite scanning, and data processing techniques. Provide an overview of engineering applications.

Expected learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student acquires the skills for the study of the territory and the environment, through an integrated multidisciplinary systemic approach to select the appropriate tools and techniques to acquire, integrate, process, analyze, archive, represent and distribute geo-referenced spatial data with continuity in digital format.

Course content

Useful references for the course: definitions, theory and propagation of errors, method of indirect observations, least squares criterion, precision of the results obtained.
The observables in topography: The reference surfaces in the geodetic-topographical sciences. Curvilinear coordinates on the ellipsoid and three-dimensional Cartesian approximate solutions for the reference surfaces. Traditional topographic measurements: distances, angles and height differences.
Traditional survey methods, networks and measurement compensation: Planimetric survey with measurement of angles and distances. Measurement tools. Methods of refinement and piecing. Use of indirect observations in the measurement of angles and distances. Measurement compensation. Elevation survey. Geometric and trigonometric leveling. Use of indirect observations in altimetric networks. Measurement compensation. Network design.

GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System): Spatial, control and usage segments. signal structure. Observables: codes and phases. Absolute positioning. Errors. Differential positioning. Networks for the management of differential corrections. Relative positioning. Compensation of GNSS networks. GNSS measurement design. Dynamic reference systems. GNSS station networks.

Principles of Cartography: Datums, projections and cartographic representations. Italian official cartography. Reading a card.
Principles of Photogrammetry: Elements of survey design: Cameras and orientation of the grips. Data processing: procedure and issues.
Satellite remote sensing techniques: Satellites and sensors. Satellite data acquisition and analysis methods. Main applications.
Laser scanning techniques: Instrumentation and operation. Relief design elements. Data Processing.


Knowledge acquired in the teachings of mathematical analysis, geometry and physics


Suggested texts specific texts are listed below and the teacher will give further specifications during the course itself.

L. Baratin, V. Grassi. 'Topography. Theory, applications, exercises'. Pythagoras (mainly for exercises)
Riccardo Barzaghi, Livio Pinto, Diana Pagliari “Elements of topography and processing of observations”. CittàStudi 2023
L. Biagi “GPS fundamentals”, Geomatics Workbooks, vol. 8, 2009
Brivio PA, Lechi G., Zilioli E. 'Principles and methods of remote sensing'. Città Studi 2003
Crosilla F., Galetto R. 'The laser scanning technique - Theory and applications', CISM Udine, 2006
Crosilla F., Dequal S. 'Laser scanning terrestrial', CISM Udine
Kraus K., 'Photogrammetry', Levrotto & Bella Editrice, 1994, Vol.1 Theory and Applications, Turin

Teaching methods and tools

Frontal lessons with the aid of slides and wall writing support. Practical/application exercises will be carried out within the last lessons of the course directly illustrating the use of some topographical instruments and related data processing software.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam is oral. During the interview, the teacher will verify the candidate's knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of Topography, Cartography and all the topics that will be covered during the lessons and will evaluate his/her ability to apply them to concrete cases. The transversal knowledge of the topics included in the program and the acquisition of the fundamental technical terms that characterize the subject will be verified. Finally, the ability to draw conclusions independently will be evaluated. For non-attending students, the learning assessment will be carried out in the same way.

Additional info

Any specific information will be provided during the course