Biographical profile
Born in San Marino on February 26, 1978. Lives and works in San Marino.
He graduated in 2005 in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Bologna with a degree thesis entitled "Cost model for DWDM optical networks" (Supervisor Prof.ssa Carla Raffaelli).
In 2013 he obtained a doctorate in Economic-Management Engineering at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Economic-Management Engineering of the University of the Republic of San Marino, with a thesis entitled "Impact of new technologies on the Supply Chain of large-scale retail trade" ( Supervisor Prof. Massimo Merlino).
From 2005 until 2013 he worked at the Industrial Design degree course at the University of the Republic of San Marino with the qualification of technician responsible for information services; during this period he followed numerous specialization courses relating to the implementation and administration of network infrastructures and IT systems.
From 2008 to 2009 he was teaching assistant to Prof. Andrea Gasparella for the Physics course of the three-year degree course in Industrial Design of the University of the Republic of San Marino. He also held, at this same university, lessons on computer literacy, computer security and green design.
Since 2013 he has been working as a professor in Information Processing Systems (ING-INF/05) at the Department of Economics, Science and Law of the University of the Republic of San Marino.
At this same university he holds the Business Intelligence course of the Master's Degree in Management Engineering and the Computer Science and Statistics courses of the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering and Construction and Land Management.
Since 2016 he has been a subject scholar for Social Statistics (SECS-S/05) of the Department of Economy, Society and Politics of the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” and since 2020 he has held the Social Statistics course for the Degree in Sociology and Social Work.
Since 2017 he has been assistant to Prof. Alberto Franci for the Statistics course for the Bachelor Degree in Management Engineering.
Main publications
- Renzi, P., Franci, A. (2023). Inequalities in Health: Definitions, Concepts and Measurements—An Application in the Regional Health Authority in Italy. Social Indicators Research, 169(1), 599-627.
- Casarosa, MAT, Zorzal, RC, Rodrigues, SFN, Renzi, P., Franci, A., Monteiro, JC da S. (2023). A desigualdade na expectativa de saúde das pessoas eo novo papel da programação educativa neurolinguística. Cuadernos De Educación Y Desarrollo, 15(3), 2891–2912.
- Renzi P, Franci A, (2021) EGIPSS model for the evaluation of performance in healthcare in ASA 2021 Statistics and Information Systems for Policy Evaluation – Book of short papers of the opening conference.
- Franci A, Renzi P, (2021), Social determinants of health and inequality measures, Statistics & Applications, Life and Thought - Publications of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
- Renzi P, Franci A, (2021) Health inequalities and socio-health policies, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN)
- Renzi P, Franci A, (2021) Frameworks and inequalities in healthcare: some applications in ASA 2021 Statistics and Information Systems for Policy Evaluation – Book of short papers of the opening conference. Edited by Bertaccini B., Fabbris L., Petrucci A., pp. 115-120
- Franci A, Renzi P, Gandy R. (2019), Evaluating health performance and inequalities in the Italian region of Marche, British Journal of Healthcare Management, Sep 02, 2019-Volume 25, Issue 9, pp. 293–302, Mark Allen Group company
- Franci A., Renzi P. (2019), Evaluating Health Performance and Inequalities in Marche region of Italy, Association for Applied Statistics (ASA) Conference 2019 – Statistics for Health and Well-being, pp. 109-112
- Franci A, Renzi P. (2018), Performance in health systems and unequal health, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN)
- Franci A, Renzi P. (2016), The evaluation of performance in social and health services: an application, in Impresa Sanità, n 15 November 2016, pp. 15-33 (II part)
- Franci A, Renzi P. (2016), The evaluation of performance in social and health services: an application, in Impresa Sanità, n 14 September 2016, pp. 15-33 (part I)
- Bertolini M., Bottani E., Rizzi A., Volpi A., Renzi P. (2013), Shrinkage reduction in perishable food supply chain by means of an RFID-based FIFO management policy, International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications , Vol. 5, Nos. 3-4, pp.123–136
Research interests
He deals with issues and problems related to management systems in the health sector.