The Delegated Decree of 31 May 2012 n. 60 in implementation of the Art. 4 of Law 20 June 2008 N. 97 "Prevention and repression of violence against women and gender" demands with the Art. 4 the Department of Education (today the Department of Human Sciences) of the University of the Republic of San Marino the annual organization of mandatory professional training courses aimed at providing adequate tools for intervention in the sector and to train specialized personnel aimed at Magistrates , Law Enforcement, Professional Associations, Socio-Health Services, School Staff, Family Mediators.
The DSU, in collaboration with the Authority for Equal Opportunities and with the managers of the various departments of the state personnel concerned, has fulfilled the provisions of Decree no. 60 in two distinct ways:
a) directly organizing training proposals agreed in advance with the various categories of personnel;
b) validating training projects autonomously proposed by certain categories of staff.
Gender-based violence prevention
The Department of Humanities of San Marino promotes a training course dedicated to the "Prevention and repression of violence against women and gender". The course is aimed both at professionals capable of intervening in the fields of legal, psychological and legal assistance of people who are victims of violence, and at teachers and educators.