The Materials and Structures Testing Laboratoryit is located in the Dogana locality, in the industrial area of the Republic of San Marino. The laboratory's equipment and testing machines are housed in a large building with a surrounding area for storing materials.
The Materials and Structures Testing Laboratory plays an important role in support for the teaching and research activities of teachers, researchers e and students pertaining to the Degree Course in Civil Engineering, with particular reference to the following disciplines: Building Science and Technology, Structural design, Buildings in seismic area, Dynamics of structures, Automatic calculation of Structures, Technical Architecture e Building element technology.
In addition, the Laboratory carries out an extensive third party activities which consists, in particular, in the release of the certificates of tests carried out on materials from construction and in the verifications of calibration on machinery and equipment used in private laboratories.
The Materials and Structures Testing Laboratory is able to carry out a wide range of tests on building and construction materials, especially on concretes traditional and high-performance (e.g. fiber-reinforced concrete, self-compacting concrete, etc…), bricks, flooring materials, natural stones, sands, gravels, its steels for reinforcing concrete normal and precompressed and for metallic carpentry works, its masonry subjected to static and dynamic loads, on manufactured goods, construction elements e scale structures real.
The Materials and Structures Testing Laboratory will make use of the Quality system through which it is intended to obtain the accreditation of the certification in the European context.
Performance request
To request a service from the Laboratory, it is necessary to send the evidence request form filled out at the address The estimate for the requested service will then be sent and, in case of acceptance, the Laboratory staff will contact the applicant to follow up on the execution of the tests. However, acceptance of the estimate must take place in person at the laboratory.
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