Open Days

Scover the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering and access a high level specialization in the sectors of structures, infrastructure, geotechnics, hydraulics e industrial plants. A path that prepares you to become an expert in areas crucial to the future of construction and land management. 

Participate in interactive activities e professional testimonials, discover our innovative approach and the career opportunities in a sector that looks to the future and sustainability. 

Why choose UNIRSM? For the high quality of the teachers, the acquisition of professional skills, the possibility of coming into contact with professional realities at a local and international level during the course of studies, and for the excellent student-teacher ratio. Discover everything our degree programs have to offer.


Friday 21 / 02

→ 09:30 – 18:00
Meetings with students and visit to the headquarters
Discover the teaching spaces and speak directly with students and teachers to learn more about our degree program. 

→ 10:00 – 12:00
Thesis on display: engineering theory and practice
Discover how the theoretical concepts covered during the academic path come to life through concrete projects in the field of civil engineering. 

→ 16 pm
Building the Future: Presentation of the Master's Degree Course in Civil Engineering 

Saturday 22 / 02

10: 00 - 13:00
Visit to the headquarters and discussion of study plans with industry professionals 



What are the methods of accessing the course?
To be admitted to the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering (IASA) it is not necessary to pass a selection test.
You can find all the information on how to access and on the opening dates at this page of registrations.

What are the entry requirements?
Graduates of three-year university courses recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, with a degree grade of no less than 85/110, can enroll in the two-year Civil Engineering course.

Does the Degree Course require compulsory attendance?
The Master's Degree in Civil Engineering does not require compulsory attendance for either the pre-courses or the courses included in the study plan, although attendance is strongly recommended. It is possible to attend the courses in person - at the WTC headquarters - or remotely, in streaming, at the UNIRSM branch offices.
The lessons are then recorded and made available on a deferred basis on the University video portal.

The amount of the registration fees is divided into three installments.
More information at this page of the Student Secretariat

Does the University of San Marino provide scholarships for its students?
Scholarships are provided for merit and family income, divided by degree course and by year of course, which discount the amount of university installments by 50%.
The numbers, requirements and procedures for making a request are available at following link.

What legal value does the awarded qualification have?
The Master's Degree in Civil Engineering provides a double degree from the University of the Republic of San Marino and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, legally valid in San Marino, Italy and Europe.

The course organizes pre-courses open to all interested parties. The pre-courses take place a couple of weeks before the beginning of the lessons and do not give the right to acquire any CFU.
The calendar will be published on the UNIRSM website.

What is needed to transfer from another University?
Before deciding to transfer to UNIRSM, you can request an informal evaluation of your previous career by contacting the management of the course you are interested in through the Student Secretariat, providing a certificate of enrollment with the exams taken.

You can learn more about the transfer methods at this page of the Student Secretariat.

Where is the seat of the Degree Course located?
The course lessons take place at the SM HUB, Tower B, 3rd floor, Dogana (San Marino), via Consiglio dei Sessanta 99, 47899.

All useful info on the contact page.

Page Student services for other useful information.
Site of the Registrar Office for registrations, documents and information on the University.
Site of the Library for loan and consultation services for University books, magazines and other materials.