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Biographical profile
Born in Modena in 1967.
He graduated in Law on 4 March 1991 from the University of Modena, with a score of 110/110 with honours, discussing a thesis in Labor Law; he is a full professor of Labor Law at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, at the Marco Biagi Department of Economics; since 2008, he has also been a contract professor at the State University of the Republic of San Marino.
He is president of the Commission for the certification of employment contracts, established at the Marco Biagi Foundation of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and from 2017 to 2020 he was president of the Master's Degree Course in Labor Relations of the Marco Biagi Department of Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
He is a lawyer and has been registered since November 1995 in the Special List of ordinary and associate university professors and researchers who have opted for full-time employment with the Bar Association of Modena;
he is a member of: the editorial board of the journal The law of the labor market, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples; of the editorial board of the “Revista Mestrado em Direitos Humanos Fondamentais” of the Unifieo University of Osasco (San Paolo – Brazil); of the scientific committee of the Revista do Programa de Mestrado em Direito da Universidade da Amazonia (Brazil).
He is a member of the Italian Association of Labor Law and Social Security (AIDLa.SS), he is a corresponding member of the Academia Breasileira de Direito do Trabalho – Brazil; he is a corresponding member of the Academia Sul-Rio-Grandense de Direito do Trabalho (Brazil).
In the academic years 2007/2008 and 2010/2011 he was v1S1tmg Professor at the Facultade de Direito of the State University of São Paulo - Brazil (USP), teaching Italian labor law and Italian trade union law, as part of the Posgraduaçao course , lasting two weeks each.
He was vice president of the Steering Committee of the Ibero-American Association of Labor and Social Security Law; he has been a speaker and speaker at numerous national and international labor law conferences;
Main publications
He is the author of over ninety scientific publications in Italian, Portuguese, English and Spanish, including three monographs, an encyclopedic entry and articles and contributions published in the main journals and publishing houses in the sector.
list of latest publications
- Sub art. 2126 ccin Civil code annotated with the doctrine and jurisprudence, edited by Giovanni Perlingieri, Book V, Volume I, Articles 2060-2361, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples, 2010, pp. 413-423.
- Interventionin The figure of the employer. Articulations and transformations. In memory of Massimo D'Antona, ten years later, Proceedings of the XVI National Labor Law Congress AIDLASS, Catania, 21-23 May 2009, Giuffré Editore, 2010, pp. 302-306.
- As demissões de trabalhadores subordinados no ordemento italiano, in N. Mannrich, coordinator, Reforma do trabalho market. An Italian experience, LTR, São Paulo, 2010, ISBN 978-85-361-1524-5, pp. 53-58.
- Regulation of rural labor in the Italian legal framework, in Renato Buranello, André Ricardo Passos de Souza, Ecio Perin Junior, Coordinators, Agribusiness Law. Market, Regulation, Taxation and Environment, Ibrademp – Quartier Latin Editora, São Paulo, 2010, ISBN 85-7674-473-2, pp. 1043-1051.
- A tutela da personalidade no ordemento italiano, in Nelson Mannrich, Gustavo Vogel, Valdir Florindo, Yone Frediani, (coordinators), Reconstruction of the trabalho direction, LTR, São Paulo, 2010, ISBN 978-85-361-1641-9, pp. 255-261.
- The secondment of the worker (art. 30, Legislative Decree 10.9.2003, n. 276), in Roberto Pessi, edited by, Commented work code, Turin, 2011, pp. 396-405 (ISBN 978-88-598-0503-8).
- Termination of collective agreementsin Practice Dir. work, n. 6 of 2011, p. 358-362.
- Notice of dismissal and theory of mandatory effectivenessin Practice Dir. work, n. 11/2011, p. 627-632.
- Regulamentação do trabalho rural no ordemento italiano, in Renato Buranello, André Ricardo Passos de Souza, Ecio Perin Junior, Coordenadores, Direito do agronegòcios, Quartier Latina Editora, São Paulo, 2011, ISBN 85-7674-526-7, pp. 1005-1013.
- Labor protection and environmental protection: divergences and convergences of two legal systems comparedin Studies in honor of Tiziano Treu, Work, institutions, social change, vol. II, Job contracts, Jovene Editore, Naples, 2011, pp. 1103-1113 (ISBN 978-88-243-2048-1).
- Certification of typifications of just cause and justified reason for dismissal, in F. Basenghi – A. Russo (edited by). Labor justice and effectiveness of rights. Contributions on the law n. 183/2010, vol. 1, Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2012, pp. 49-56.
- Employment contract and termination of the employee, Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2012, pp. 1-241 (ISBN/EAN 978-88-348-2806-9).
- A sucessão no contract de trabalho, in Nelson Mannrich, Gustavo Vogel, Valdir Florindo, Yone Frediani, (coordenadores), Current information on business directions, LTR, São Paulo, 2012, ISBN 978-85-361-2108-6, pp. 149-152.
- The resignation of the worker, in G. Pellacani, edited by, Labor reform. All the innovations introduced by the law of 28 June 2012, n. ninety two, Giuffré Editore, Milan, 2012, pp. 317-337.
- Resignation and termination by mutual consent: new regulationin Practice Dir. work, n. 6 of 2013, p. 427-431.
- Conciliation in Italian labor law and the deflation function of judicial litigation, in Luciana Aboim Machado Gonçalves da Silva, organizer, Mediation of conflicts, Editora Atlas, São Paulo, 2013, p. 337-341 (ISBN 978-85-224-7644-2).
- The resignation of the employee, in G. Pellacani, edited by, Individual and collective dismissals, Turin, Giappichelli Editore, 2013, pp. 65-90.
- Or direito do trabalho da crise, in Nelson Mannrich, Gustavo Vogel, Valdir Florindo, Yone Frediani, (coordenadores), New themes and desafios in the world of work, LTR, São Paulo, 2013, ISBN 978-85-361-2626-5, pp. 177-183.
- The reformed apprenticeship contract, between employment purposes and training needsin Italian journal of labor law, 2013, I, p. 577-607.
- Computer control over the worker, Employment law studies. Series directed by Luisa Galantino and Salvatore Hernandez, n. 31, Turin, Giappichelli Editore, 2013, pp. 1-202 (ISBN/EAN 978-88-348-7294-9).
- Voice Collective labor contractin Brazilian travel law dictionary, in José Augusto Rodrigues Pinto-Luciano Martinez-Nelson Mannrich, coordinators, São Paulo, 2013, LTR Editora, page 101.
- Pension reform and economic crisis in Europe: the Italian picture, in Gabriela Mendizábal Bermúdez (coordinator), Public coverage and social protection, vol. II, International Studies, Editorial Fontamara – Universidad Autónoma del Estado del Morelos, Mexico Districto Federal, 2014, pp. 287-291 (ISBN 978-607-736-057-5).
- The subjective reflections of the specificities of regulation of safety in the workplace: the representative of the client employerin Marco Biagi Foundation notebooks, Essays, n. 2/2014, p. 1-14 (ISSN 2239 - 6985).
- Certification of the contract for the provision of services and disputes over the relationship qualification issue, in Yone Frediani (coordenação), A valorização do trabalho autonomo e a livre-iniciativa, Porto Alegre, 2015, pp. 13-21 (ISBN 978-85-85275-42-6).
- Parasubordinate work organized by the clientin Legal interviews at work (edited by A. Vallebona), 2015, pp. 68-69.
- The policy of reorganizing the types of contracts, the relaunch of employment and the new discipline of apprenticeshipin Principle of labor jurisprudence, n. 12 of 2015, p. 826-835.
- Labor law in the face of the need for occupational protection: from the apprenticeship contract to the contract with increasing protections, in Work Economics Papers, n. 103 of 2015, Welfare and employment, edited by R. Livraghi-A. Barani, ISSN 0390-105X, pp. 245-259.
- Meio trabalho environment and sustainable desenvolvimento: a socio-environmental responsibility in Italian legislation and in the European Union, in Nelson Mannrich, Gustavo Vogel, Rodolfo Pamplona Filho, Valdir Florindo, Yone Frediani, (coordenadores), Socio-environmental responsibility. Novos desafios no Direito do trabalho, Editora Magister – Lex Magister, Porto Alegre, 2016, ISBN 978-85-85275-52-5, pp. 33-46.
- The redefinition of the regulatory structure of remote controls, as a piece of a more comprehensive reform of labor law, in A. Levi, edited by, The new art. 4 on remote controls. The Workers' Statute amended by Jobs Act, in The new labor law. Series directed by G. Pellacani, Milan, 2016, ISBN 978-88-14-21403-5, pp. 1-20.
- The compensation protection is reduced, in F. Basenghi – A. Levi, edited by, The contract with increasing protectionsin The new labor law. Series directed by G. Pellacani, Milan, 2016, ISBN 978-88-14-18884-8, pp. 103-119.
- Il Jobs Act and the objective of defining an organic regulation of employment contracts. The test bench of the apprenticeship, in Basenghi F. – Russo A., Flexibility, security and occupancy to the test of Jobs Act, Marco Biagi Foundation series, vol. no. 8, Turin, 2016, ISBN 978-88-921-0414-3, pp. 269-291.
- The change of functions in Italy after the Law Jobs Act, in Cabeza Pereiro Jaime (Director), Fernandez Docampo Maria Belen (Coordinator), Fernandez Prol Francisca (Coordinator), Labor exchange management in the company, Thomson Reuters – Aranzadi, 2017, ISBN 9788491523680, pp. 283-290.
- Italian work abroad after Jobs Act, in jur. work, n. 11 of 2017, p. 779–784.
- The utopia of legal certaintyin Legal interviews at work (edited by A. Vallebona), 2017, pp. 38-39.
- Simplifications regarding work abroad, in F. Basenghi – A. Levi (edited by), Procedural simplifications, sanctions and equal opportunities in the Jobs Act, The new labor law (directed by Luigi Fiorillo and Adalberto Perulli), Giappichelli Editore, Turin, 2017, pp. 49-60. ISBN 9788875243920.
- The remote defensive control and the inoperativeness of the art. 4 of the Statutein Jurisprudence work, n. 5/2018, p. 471.
- Lcorporate social responsibility in the fight against forced labour, in Thereza Nahas-Fernando Fita Ortega (coordinadores), OIT 100 Years: a vision of its fundamental principles from the XXI century, Aranzadi, 2018, p. 287 (ISBN: 978-84-1308-331-5).
- Smart working, in the context of the process of destructuring subordinationin Legal journal of labor and social security, n. 1/2019, I, p. 25-46.
- Country risk and the protection of worker health and safety, in Josè Claudio Monteiro de Brito Filho, Ney Maranhão, Sandro Nahmias Melo, Sonia Mascaro Nascimento (coordenadores), O World of Work in Debate. Studies in Homenagem by Professor Georgenor de Sousa Franco Filho, LTR Editora Ltda, 2019, pp. 21-24 (ISBN 978-85-301-0074-2).
- Work and digital platforms: evolution of the enterprise and exercise of employer powers, in F. Basenghi-L. Di Stefano-A. Russo-I. Senators, edited by, The labor policies of the XVIII Legislature: from the Dignity Decree to the management of the Covid-19 emergencyin Marco Biagi Foundation series, n. 14, Turin, Giappichelli Editore, 2020, pp. 385-399 (ISBN 9788892135741).