Office hours
Monday from 17:00 pm to 18:00 pm, Location: San Marino HUB, Tower B – 3rd floor, Via Consiglio dei Sessanta, 99, Notes: Appointments are accepted via email.
Biographical profile
Alex Balzi was born in Cattolica (Rn) in December 1991. In 2016 he obtained a master's degree with honors in Civil Engineering at the University of the Republic of San Marino. In 2019 he became a research fellow (road sector ICAR/04). From 2023 to today he has held positions as a contract professor at the University of the Republic of San Marino (road sector ICAR/04) for the following courses: Road Design (Master's Degree in Civil Engineering, LM-23, aa2022/2023), Road Management and Maintenance (Master's Degree in Civil Engineering, LM-23, aa2023/2024) and Road Construction and Eco-sustainable Techniques (Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, L-07, aa2023/2024).
Main publications
Balzi A., Grilli A. “Pavement management system: implementing project evaluation for local road administrations”, 15th International Scientific Conference TRANSCOM 2023 “Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport”, Czech Republic
(forthcoming in Transportation Research Procedia Journal)
Grilli A., Balzi A. “Methodological recommendations to implement Pavement Management Systems and Eco-Sustainable solutions for Local Road Administrations”, MDPI Journal Infrastructures 2023, 8(2), 25 https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures8020025
Graziani A., Grilli A., Mignini C., Balzi A. “Construction and monitoring of the short-term curing of cold recycled pavements”, International Journal of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2022 https://doi.org/10.1155 /2022/4157090
Balzi A., Grilli A. “Pavement management system for local road administration: a tailored process for the Republic of San Marino”, 18th SIIV Summer school – “Sustainable Pavements and Road Materials” – Proceedings of the 7th SIIV Arena, Naples
Grilli A., Balzi A., Ciotti A., Tura P., Casali M. “Pavement management system for local governments: case study in the Republic of San Marino”, Cetra 7th international conference on road and rail infrastructures, Croatia
Grilli A., Balzi A., Ciotti A., Casali M., Chiaruzzi R. “Eco-sustainable solutions for the maintenance of the road pavements in the Republic of San Marino”, Cetra 7th international conference on road and rail infrastructures, Croatia
Dołżycki B., Grilli A., Balzi A., Jaczewski M., Szydłowski C. “Binder courses using cold recycled mixtures – a novel concept in cold recycling”, Cetra 6th international conference on road and rail infrastructures, ISSN 1848-9842 ( Print), ISSN 1848-9850 (CD-ROM), Croatia
Grilli A., Balzi A., Casali M., Muratori D., Tura P., Sorbini S., Falcioni F. Poderini F., “Pavement management system for local administrations”, Rassegna del Bitumen n.96/2020.
Grilli A., Balzi A., Casali M., Muratori D., “C Cold recycling in plants: application on the roads of the Republic of San Marino”, Bitumen Review n.95/2020.
Balzi A., Scalbi N., Casali M., Muratori D., Bascucci F., Chiaruzzi R., Tura P., Grilli A. “Pavement management system for the road network of the Republic of San Marino”, 17th SIIV Summer school , ISBN: 978-88-99430-00-9, 16-20 September 2019, Republic of San Marino
Research interests
Pavement Management System for local administrations, geometric design of road and railway alignments, cold recycling technologies of reclaimed asphalt, design and maintenance of road pavements.