UNIRSM People Filippo Forlani

Filippo Forlani

Office hours

Monday to Friday, Location: Remote via Teams, Notes: By appointment subject to availability

Friday from 12:00 to 14:00, Location: University of San Marino – Department of Engineering, Notes: Confirmation required by the previous day.

Biographical profile

Biographical profile
born in Rimini in 1968, graduated with honors in Mining Engineering at the University “Alma Mater Studiorum” of Bologna in 1996.
With many years of experience in planning and studies for the development of calculation codes, he has acquired a theoretical and technical background in multiple engineering fields from geotechnical and geomechanical design, tunnels and underground works, hydraulics and maritime works, foundations and structures to hydrology , hydrogeology, water geochemistry and the environment.

He is currently a contract professor in "Prospecting of geotechnical systems" in the Civil Engineering departments, IASA Master's Degree at the University of San Marino.
Technical Director and partner of SGAI srl.

– registered with the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rimini since March 1997, (n.527/A)
member of:
– AGI (Italian Geotechnical Association)
– ISRM (International Society of Rock Mechanics), ISSMGE (International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering), IACMAG (International Association for Computer Methods and Advanced Geomechanics)
– ITCOLD (Italian Commission of International Commission on Large Dams).

Main publications

– F.Forlani – PLRaviolo – “Automatic servo-controlled systems applied to triaxial tests – Experimental Results” – XXIV National Conference of Geotechnics AGI – Naples 22-24 June 2011
– F.Forlani – E.Forlani “The Marecchia Fan – an applied example of the study of Complex Hydrogeological Systems” – HydroGEO – 2002.

Research interests

Research interests
– geotechnics and soil-structure interaction even in seismic conditions
– rockfall models
– constitutive models
– hydrogeology and chemistry of mineral waters