UNIRSM People Giovanni Moretti

Giovanni Moretti

Biographical profile

Born January 24, 1977.

2001 Degree in Civil Engineering, specialization in Hydraulics, University of Ferrara.

2006 PhD in Engineering Sciences, University of Ferrara.

2012 – present. Contract professor at the University of the Republic of San Marino, holder of the Hydraulic Infrastructures course.

2018 – present. Associate Professor of Hydraulic Constructions at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.


Main publications

2023 - Thalweg and Ridge Network Extraction From Unaltered Topographic Data as a Basis for Terrain Partitioning [Magazine article]
Moretti, Giovanni; Orlandini, Stefano

2021 - Failure Probability Analysis of Levees Affected by Mammal Bioerosion [Magazine article]
Balistrocchi, Matteo; Moretti, Giovanni; Ranzi, Roberto; Orlandini, Stefano

2019 - Copula-based modeling of earthen levee breach due to overtopping [Magazine article]
Balistrocchi, M.; Moretti, G.; Orlandini, S.; Ranzi, R.

2019 - Cost-Benefit Analysis of Flood-Control and Multipurpose Reservoirs from the Perspective of Society: The Real Case of the Baganza River System in Italy [Abstract in Conference Proceedings]
Orlandini, S.; Moretti, G.

2018 - Efficient use of high-resolution topographic data for the extraction of large river networks [Abstract in Conference Proceedings]
Moretti, G.; Orlandini, S.

Moretti, G.; Orlandini, S.

2018 - Hydrography-Driven Coarsening of Grid Digital Elevation Models [Magazine article]
Moretti, G.; Orlandini, S.

2017 - Evidence of an emerging levee failure mechanism causing disastrous floods in Italy [Abstract in Journal]
Orlandini, S.; Moretti, G.

2017 - Hydrography-driven coarsening of grid digital elevation models [Abstract in Journal]
Moretti, G.; Orlandini, S.

2017 - Hydrography-driven coarsening of grid digital elevation models [Abstract in Conference Proceedings]
Moretti, G; Orlandini, S.

2017 - New metrics for evaluating channel networks extracted in grid digital elevation models [Abstract in Conference Proceedings]
Orlandini, S.; Moretti, G.

Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni

2016 - Evidence of an emerging levee failure mechanism causing disastrous foods in Italy [Report in Conference Proceedings]
Orlandini, S.; Moretti, G.

2016 - Relation between grid, channel, and Peano networks in high-resolution digital elevation models [Magazine article]
De Bartolo, Samuele; Dell'Accio, Francesco; Frandina, Giuseppe; Moretti, Giovanni; Orlandini, Stefano; Veltri, Massimo

2015 - Evidence of an Emerging Disturbance of Earthen Levees Causing Disastrous Floods in Italy [Abstract in Conference Proceedings]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni

2015 - Evidence of an emerging levee failure mechanism causing disastrous floods in Italy [Magazine article]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni; Albertson, John D.

2014 - Analytical basis for determining slope lines in grid digital elevation models [Magazine article]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni; Gavioli, Andrea

2013 - Technical Report of the Project: Climate Change and Human Impacts on the Sustainability of Groundwater Resources: Quantity and Quality Issues, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies in the Toledo River Basin (Brazil) [Monograph/Scientific treatise]
Cusi, Alice; Fiorentini, Marcello; Moretti, Giovanni; Orlandini, Stefano; Bley, Cicero J. r.; Rafael González Hernando de, Aguiar; Salvatore, D'Angelo

Cusi, Alice; Fiorentini, Marcello; Moretti, Giovanni; Orlandini, Stefano; Bley, C. J. r.; R., Gonzáles; S., D'Angelo

2012 - Evaluation of flow direction methods against field observations of overland flow dispersion [Abstract in Journal]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni; Corticelli, Mauro Alessandro; Santangelo, Paolo Emilio; Capra, Alessandro; Rivola, Riccardo; D. Albertson., John

2012 - Evaluation of flow direction methods against field observations of overland flow dispersion [Report in Conference Proceedings]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni; Corticelli, Mauro Alessandro; Santangelo, Paolo Emilio; Capra, Alessandro; Rivola, Riccardo; Albertson, John D.


2012 - Evaluation of flow direction methods against field observations of overland flow dispersion [Magazine article]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni; Corticelli, Mauro Alessandro; Santangelo, Paolo Emilio; Capra, Alessandro; Rivola, Riccardo; Albertson, John D.

2011 - On the prediction of channel heads in a complex alpine terrain using gridded elevation data [Magazine article]
Orlandini, Stefano; P., Tarolli; Moretti, Giovanni; G., Dalla Fontana

2010 - Identification and prediction of channel heads from gridded elevation data [Abstract in Journal]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni; P., Tarolli; G., Dalla Fontana

2010 - On predicting channel initiation from gridded elevation data [Report in Conference Proceedings]
P., Tarolli; G., Dalla Fontana; Moretti, Giovanni; Orlandini, Stefano

2009 - Cell Size Dependence of Threshold Conditions for the Delineation of Drainage Networks from Gridded Elevation Data [Abstract in Conference Proceedings]
Tarolli, P.; Dalla Fontana, G.; Moretti, G.; Orlandini, S.

2009 - Comment on “Global search algorithm for nondispersive flowpath extraction” by Kyungrock Paik [Magazine article]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni

2009 - Determination of surface flow paths from gridded elevation data [Magazine article]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni

2009 - Identification of surface flow paths, slopes, and channel networks from gridded elevation data [Abstract in Journal]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni; P., Tarolli; G., Dalla Fontana

2008 - Automatic delineation of drainage basins from contour elevation data using skeleton construction techniques [Report in Conference Proceedings]
Moretti, Giovanni; Orlandini, Stefano

2008 - Automatic delineation of drainage basins from contour elevation data using skeleton construction techniques [Magazine article]
Moretti, Giovanni; Orlandini, Stefano

2008 - Collecting a multi-disciplinary field dataset to model the interactions between a flood control reservoir and the underlying porous aquifer (abstract) [Abstract in Conference Proceedings]
Borgatti, L.; Corsini, A.; Chiapponi, L.; D'Oria, M.; Giuffredi, F.; Lancellotta, R.; Mignosa, P.; Moretti, G.; Orlandini, S.; Pellegrini, M.; Remitti, F.; Ronchetti, F.; Tanda, M.; Zanini, A.

2008 - On the determination of surface flow paths from gridded elevation data [Abstract in Journal]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni

2008 - On the determination of surface flow paths from gridded elevation data [Report in Conference Proceedings]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni

2007 - Automatic delineation of drainage basins from contour elevation data using skeleton construction techniques [Abstract in Journal]
Moretti, Giovanni; Orlandini, Stefano

2006 - On the representative dimension of drainage areas in distributed urban drainage models [Report in Conference Proceedings]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni; M., Mambretti; F., Zanolla; P., Pedrazzoli; M., Cingi

2003 - Path-based methods for the determination of nondispersive drainage directions in grid-based digital elevation models [Magazine article]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni; M., Franchini; B., Aldighieri; B., Head

2002 - A Nondispersive Method for the Determination of Drainage Directions in Grid-based Digital Elevation Models (abstract) [Abstract in Journal]
Orlandini, S.; Moretti, G.; Franchini, M.; Aldighieri, B.; Testa, B.


2002 - A nondispersive method for determining drainage directions in rectangular-grid digital terrain models [Report in Conference Proceedings]
Orlandini, Stefano; Moretti, Giovanni; M., Franchini; B., Aldighieri; B., Head

Research interests

  • Analysis of digital terrain models.
  • Hydrological response of natural drainage systems.
  • Propagation of surface waters.
  • Interaction between surface and subsurface water currents.
  • Interaction between hydrological processes and hydraulic constructions.
  • Hydrological effects produced by artificial reservoirs.
  • Interaction between water currents and river barrier works.
  • Interaction between water currents and embankments.