UNIRSM People Luca Lanzoni

Luca Lanzoni

Biographical profile


  • 12/2021 Associate Professor SSD 08/B2 CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE at the DIEF – “Enzo Ferrari” Engineering Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
  • 01/2020 Achievement of the National Scientific Qualification for the functions of full-time university professor, in the competition sector 08/B2 CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE (valid from 14/01/2020 to 14/01/2029).
  • 12/2017 Winner of a call for RTD Researcher – type B – competition sector 08/B2 CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE, at the “Enzo Ferrari” Engineering Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
  • 03/2017 Achievement of the National Scientific Qualification for the functions of second tier university professor, in the competition sector 08/B2 CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE (valid from 28/03/2017 to 27/03/2023).
  • 05/2015 Winner of a 2500 euro grant from the GNFM-INdAM as part of the Youth Project 2015 for a research project entitled: "Modelling of fibre-reinforced cementitious materials under large deformations".
  • 09/2010 Winner of a competition fixed-term researcher – SSD ICAR/08 Building science – with a duration of 3 + 3 years (renewable) at the University of the Republic of San Marino in agreement with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
  • 12/2008 Winner of an annual research grant – Spinner Facility, concerning Smart and durable building materials. Scientific advisor: prof. eng. AM Tarantino – Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
  • 03/2008 Winner of an annual research grant at the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Research Title: Microstructured and fibre-reinforced mortars and grouts for structural and anti-seismic applications – SSD ICAR/08 (Construction Science). Scientific tutor: prof. eng. AM Tarantino.
  • 03/2008 Sustain the final PhD exam (XX cycle) at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, with the discussion of a dissertation entitled: "Thin film deposed on a silicon layer subject to thermal loadings: Project of a crystalline undulator”. Speaker: Prof. Eng. E. Radi.
  • 07/2005 Qualification to practice the profession of engineer at the University of Bologna. Enrolled in the Order of Engineers of the Province of Ferrara.
  • 11/2004 Admission to the PhD course with bag in "Industrial management engineering and integration between companies" (XX cycle) at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Duration of the course: 3 years; tutor: prof. eng. Henry Radi.
  • 10/2004 Degree in civil engineering at the University of Ferrara (old system) with the discussion of a thesis entitled: "Dynamic response of deformable bulkheads subject to seismic actions that propagate in the ground". 1st Speaker: prof. eng. Antonio Tralli; 2nd Speaker: prof. eng. Enrico Radi; Supervisor: prof. eng. Vincent Fioravante. Score: 110/110 cum laude.

Educational activities:

  • 2009 from today    Course holder of Structure Theory – Degree course in Civil Engineering - at the University of the Republic of San Marino and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (9st master's year, 81 credits, XNUMX hours).

Topics of the Theory of Structures course: The kinematic chains. Plane and spatial isostatic and hyperstatic reticular structures. Elastic line. Mohr's theorem and corollaries. Solving frame structures using the PLV in the form of virtual forces and displacements. Iterative resolution methods: the generalized Cross and Cross method. The matrix method. Fundamentals of limit analysis and failure calculation. Exam: Discussion on the resolution of structures assigned with finite element computational code and analysis of the results. Comparison between manual solutions and those obtained with calculation code.

  • 2008 from today    Carrying out of refresher courses at various professional orders on issues relating to the new technical standards for construction (NTC08), with particular reference to the calculation of reinforced concrete and masonry structures in seismic areas.
  • 11/2007 Conduct of teaching "Building Science Exercises” (module of the Integrated Science of Construction course, Faculty of Architecture) AA 2007/08, Number of hours: 25, at the University of Ferrara.
  • 2005-2008 Conduct of teaching "Effect of Distortions” (supplementary course of Construction Science II, Faculty of Engineering), Number of hours: 15, at the University of Ferrara.
  • 3/2006 Conduct of teaching "Kinematic chains” (supplementary course of Construction Science I, Faculty of Engineering), AY 2005/06, Number of hours: 15, at the University of Ferrara.
  • 3/2006 Conduct of teaching "Advanced modeling techniques” (assisted structural design laboratory supplementary course, Faculty of Engineering), AY 2005/06, Number of hours: 15, at the University of Ferrara.
  • 10/2005 Carrying out the course of "Management of building projects: architectural survey, graphic representation, preliminary and executive design – UC n.13 Construction” at the EFPE (Professional Building Training Body) of Reggio Emilia. Number of hours: 66.

Other activities and assignments

  • 4/2006  Collaboration lasting 3 months with the University of Ferrara (Department of Physics) for the "numerical simulation using finite element codes of silicon plates and silicon nitride".
  • 7/2005  Collaboration for "development of numerical models for the study of the dynamic interaction between the ground and bulkheads with evaluation of the actions at the interface" with the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara.

Main publications

Available for consultation below link

Research interests

  • Finite elasticity modeling of solids and beams subjected to bending
  • Homogenization of the thermal and mechanical properties of elastic materials containing inhomogeneities
  • Modeling of poroviscoelastic materials
  • Contact problem between thin films and an elastic substrate
  • Electro-mechanical instability in polarizable materials
  • Contact problems between beams and an elastic medium
  • Fibre-reinforced concrete
  • Mechanical models for damaged materials
  • Elastic plates with fracture
  • Elastoplastic plates on non-local soils