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Biographical profile
Paolo Foraboschi is a professor in the SSD of Construction Techniques at the IUAV University of Venice.
He also holds courses in Construction Techniques (third year of the bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering) and Earthquake Engineering (first year of the master's degree in Civil Engineering) at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia based in San Marino
He graduated in Civil Engineering in the academic year 1983-84, at the Faculty of Engineering of Bologna, with a score of 100/100 cum laude and received the title of PhD in 1990.
Bibliometric indices: Scopus = 48 articles (46 journal, 36 single name), 1988 citations, h-index 31; Miur teaching site = 197 publications (93 journal articles; 20 contributions in volumes).
For years, the Elsevier and Stanford University survey has included Paolo Foraboschi in the 2% of the most cited researchers worldwide.
ANVUR evaluation of search quality: excellent for all requested and submitted products.
Member of the CNR Group which produced the “Instructions for the Design, Execution and Control of Static Consolidation Interventions through the use of Fibre-reinforced Composites” – CNR-DT 200/2004, revised in 2013.
Member of the CNR Group that produced the "Instructions for the Design, Execution and Control of Constructions with Glass Structural Elements" – CNR-DT 210/2013.
Professional activity: structural engineer (design, construction management and testing) in the field of new buildings and existing buildings. Professional studio in Bologna.
Main publications
Paolo Foraboschi. Shear strength of the anchor embedded into masonry. Engineering Structures 2023; 294, n. 116749
Paolo Foraboschi. Suggestions for a New Epistemology of Structural Engineering [Notes for a new epistemology of structural engineering]. Vesper 2023, 8.
P. Foraboschi. The central role played by structural design in enabling the construction of buildings that advanced and revolutionized architecture. Construction and Building Materials, 2016; 114(July): 956-976.
P. Foraboschi, Three-layered plate: Elasticity solution. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2014; 60(April): 764-776
Research interests
Construction in seismic areas;
Structural identification;
Composite structures (mixed, laminate, sandwich, hybrid);
Reinforcement with FRP and FRCM composite materials;
Structural glass;
Tall buildings;
Thin structures;
Anchors in concrete and masonry.