UNIRSM Roberto Montanari

Roberto Montanari

Biographical profile

Full Professor
Scientific-disciplinary sector: IIND-05/A – Mechanical industrial systems

Full Professor of Industrial Plants
Department of Engineering for Industrial Systems and Technologies

Head of CIPACK – Interdepartmental Center for Packaging

Editor of The International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management

University of Parma – www.unipr.it
Address: Science Area Park
181/a – 43124 Parma
From 1992 to 1998 Degree in Mechanical Engineering
obtained at the University of Parma – Faculty of Engineering – Degree Course in
Mechanical Engineering, with a final grade of 110/110 with HONOURS and DIGNITY OF PRESS.

From 1987 to 1992 Scientific High School Diploma
Obtained from the Industrial Technical Institute “L. Nobili Reggio Emilia with a final grade of 60/60.

Main publications

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5638-2074

Author ID: 35612760700

Research interests

General description of the research activity
He developed his scientific activity by studying different areas of the Scientific Disciplinary Sector ING-IND/17 Industrial Mechanical Systems

The main international scientific journals in which the research results have been published (or are being published) are the following:
▪ International Journal of Production Economics
▪ International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
▪ Quality and Reliability Engineering International
▪ Reliability Engineering & System Safety
▪ Journal of Cleaner Production
▪ Renewable Energy
▪ Packaging Technology and Science
▪ Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
▪ Computer & Operational Research
▪ Journal of Food Engineering
▪ European Pharmaceutical Review
▪ Trends in Food Science & Technology
▪ International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications
▪ International Journal of Production Research

With reference to the Ministerial Decree of 4 October 2000, five are the strands of the Scientific Disciplinary Sector ING-IND/17 explored in depth:
▪ Analysis and design of industrial plants, including feasibility studies, choice of location and economic evaluation of the initiative;
▪ Analysis and design of general plant services, including technical-economic optimization methods;
▪ Analysis and design of production processes and technologies;
▪ Management of production systems, including quality and maintenance management;
▪ Industrial plant logistics, including materials management and handling;
▪ The main tools used in carrying out their research were: (i) probability and statistics; (ii) numerical analysis and integral calculus; (iii) linear programming; (iv) simulation; (v) artificial intelligence techniques (genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic); and multi-attribute analysis methodologies.