
Information for students

Students and recent graduates of the University of the Republic of San Marino have the opportunity to carry out internships to acquire skills and guide their professional choices, as well as favoring their entry into the world of work.

The internship can be of a curricular or extra-curricular/post-graduate nature depending on the timing of the training activity, as better described in the section below.

Il curricular internship it is an activity foreseen by the course of study. It differs in two main types:

  1. External/internal curricular internship: it is a compulsory activity, foreseen by the study plan, which can be undertaken upon reaching 75 credits, recorded in the career. This internship involves a quantification in university training credits (ECTS) according to the provisions of the study plan and has specific requirements (duration, time interval, methods of implementation, contents and objectives). Each university credit (CFU) corresponds to 25 hours of activity. Specifically, it defines:
    • External curricular internship: internship activity foreseen by the study plan and carried out in a company, institution, company other than the University.
    • Internal curricular internship: internship activity foreseen by the study plan and carried out within the University.
  2. Curricular internship for thesis: non-compulsory activity, which does not involve the direct disbursement of training credits (CFU) in addition to those already foreseen in the study plan and has a duration, time interval, methods of implementation, contents and objectives, functional to the preparation of the thesis.

Il Extracurricular internship it is an activity aimed at facilitating the professional choices and employability of new graduates through training in direct contact with the world of work. It is aimed at individuals who have obtained their educational qualification (bachelor's, master's degree) at the University of the Republic of San Marino no more than 12 months ago.

This activity can be activated in companies, organizations and enterprises present in the territories of the Republic of San Marino and in the Emilia-Romagna region.


Starting from the a.y. 2022/2023 the management of apprenticeships curricula of the degree courses will be managed through the platform They3.
The student secretariat has prepared tutorials to guide the COMPANY, the STUDENT and the ACADEMIC TUTOR in the various steps.

Useful contacts

If you are a student or a company and would like to start an internship or receive more information, contact the internship manager Dr. Virginia Dolci


Tel. +0549 88