UNIRSM Study plan general physics

general physics








Andrea Baraldi



Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide the student with the fundamental notions of classical mechanics and electromagnetism.
These notions, also illustrated through a large number of examples, will have to allow him to set up and solve simple problems and to understand some fundamental properties of matter, deriving from the laws studied.
Knowledge and understanding
– know and understand the terminology used in the field of mechanics and electromagnetism
– knowledge of the fundamental laws and natural principles that govern mechanics and electromagnetism.
– knowledge of strategies to find specific solutions to simple problems in mechanics and electromagnetism.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
– resolution of simple problems both analytically and numerically concerning the mechanics of point-like and extended bodies and electromagnetism.
Communication skills
– development of a correct, rigorous and comprehensible scientific language that allows for the clear and complete presentation of the knowledge and resolution strategies learned in teaching.
Making judgments
– ability to critically evaluate the results obtained in solving problems.
– ability to formulate simple appropriate observations and possible descriptions in concrete situations close to those covered in the teaching.
learning skills
– ability to apply the acquired knowledge to solve original problems related to mechanics and electromagnetism

Course content

Like any General Physics course, the contents concern Classical Physics and in particular Mechanics and Electromagnetism.
Physical quantities. Fundamental units of measure, dimensional analysis; outline of error propagation, significant figures
Vectors: Scalars and vectors, operation between vectors, principle of superposition, derivative of a vector
Material point kinematics. Position, displacement, velocity and acceleration vectors; radial and tangential acceleration; classification of motions: motions; motions in one dimension (uniform, uniformly accelerated, harmonic oscillatory), motions in two dimensions (projectile motion, circular motion); notes on reference systems.
Dynamics of the material point. Newton's laws; weight force, reaction and sliding friction forces, elastic force; dynamics of circular motion; inertial and non-inertial frames of reference.
Energy and work. The work of a force, the power; examples of work of constant and variable forces; conservative forces and potential energy; kinetic energy; the theorem of kinetic energy; conservation of mechanical energy.
Momentum. The momentum theorem, momentum; material point systems; conservation of momentum; the center of mass, motion of the center of mass; collision phenomena between material points.
Rotational dynamics of the material point. Moment of a force, moment of momentum, Newton's second law, the theorem of angular momentum, the kinetic energy of a rotating point of matter, generalizations to systems of point of matter.
Rigid body dynamics. Rigid bodies; translational motion of a rigid body, position of the center of mass; rotational motion of a rigid body around a fixed axis; moment of inertia and Huygens-Steiner theorem; rotational kinetic energy and work; pure rolling motions, the conservation of angular momentum.
Rigid body statics. Static equilibrium conditions of the rigid body.
Newton's law of universal gravitation. Gravitational force and gravitational field; gravitational potential energy; Kepler's laws
The fluids. Pressure and density, Stevino's law, Archimedes' principle, Bernoulli's theorem.
Electrostatics. Electric charge; Coulomb's law and electric field; Gauss's theorem and its applications; electric potential energy and electrostatic potential; conductors in electrostatic equilibrium; electrostatic screen. Capacitors. Capacitance of a capacitor; series and parallel connection; energy stored in the electric field; polarization and dielectrics; the dielectric constant. Steady electric currents. Ohm's law; resistances in series and in parallel. Kirchoff's laws; notes on RC circuits. Magnetic field – Magnetic force acting on a moving charge and on conductors carrying current – ​​Momentum acting on a coil carrying current – ​​Hall effect Magnetic field generated by a current – ​​Biot-Savart law - Ampère's law – Forces acting between circuits carrying current – ​​Gauss's law for magnetic fields Displacement current and Ampère-Maxwell law Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction – Electromagnetic induction and Lorentz force – Self-induction – Mutual induction – Magnetic energy Magnetization of matter – Atomic currents and magnetization – Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism


Some basic notions of Mathematical Analysis
In particular, operational knowledge of basic trigonometry, first and second degree equations and systems of equations, exponentials and logarithms, functions of real variables, limits, derivatives and integrals.
A lesson at the beginning of the course is dedicated to the simple notions of vector calculus required, as well as to derivatives and integrals.


The course does not adopt a particular text; however, it is recommended to consult a text for a personal study of the contents presented regarding Mechanics and Electromagnetism (the topics of Thermodynamics and Optics will not be covered).
Any university-level General Physics textbook (for Engineering or Physics degree courses) that deals with the teaching topics can be equally considered valid for preparation purposes. If in doubt, consult the teacher.
The slides of the lessons together with the texts of the exercises presented will be made available on the MsTeams platform.

The General Physics course (12 CFU) contains topics that are usually presented in two separate courses. This means that several suitable texts divide the contents into two volumes.

Some recommended texts

*** Walker-Halliday-Resnick-Fundamentals of Physics
– Single volume Mechanics Waves Thermodynamics Electromagnetism Optics
*** Gettys – Physics
– Vol.1 Physics 1
– Vol.2 Physics 2
***Serway-Jewett – Fundamentals of Physics
Single volume
*** Mazzoldi-Nigro-Voci – Elements of Physics
– Vol.1 Mechanics and Thermodynamics
– Vol.2 Electromagnetism and Waves

Teaching methods and tools

Frontal lessons in which the fundamental concepts will be discussed with extensive illustration of examples. Each topic covered is accompanied by a suitable number of hours dedicated to the completion of exercises. The teaching also makes use of the contribution of a tutor who conducts an extra activity of exercises and tutoring to the students after having planned and coordinated this activity with the teacher of the teaching itself.

Assessment methods and criteria

Two partial written tests, the first of which during the year or a written test on the entire program as an alternative.
The written tests will present both exercises to be solved numerically or literally and theory questions.
With an overall grade higher than 18/30, the proposed grade will be immediately recorded (oral exam at the discretion of the student who intends to improve the grade).
With a grade lower than 18/30 in the written test but not lower than 12/30, the student will be admitted with reservation to the oral exam. Admission with reservation means that, after evaluation of the written test, despite not fully achieving the minimum requirements for verbalization, the student is still allowed to appear for the oral exam: the teacher will proceed to verify the real preparation of the student through the usual questions on the "theory" and possibly, if deemed necessary, with the support of short written exercises (it is clear that not having the support of the written test the student MUST necessarily achieve a full pass in the oral exam).