Online Mode

The Master's will be delivered entirely in streaming, on Microsoft Teams platform.


Educational materials

The Master's uses the SharePoint e-learning platform for the distribution of teaching materials to students.
The teaching material will be uploaded during the Course at the disposal of the teachers.

Educational Program Masters ISS 2022-2023

Monday 16th September 2019
14.30-15.00Welcome to 17th SIIV Summer School - San Marino Authorities, SIIV president
15.00-17.00Key lecture on the Influence of Climatic Changes on Infrastructures Design, Construction and Management - Eng. Marco Garozzo, President CT E.1 Strategy for Adaptation and resilience
17.30-19.30Touristic tour to San Marino historic center
19.30Welcome dinner - Cesare Restaurant, San Marino

General structure and educational contents

The course lasts 20 days, for 10 hours a day, distributed over an Academic Year (10 months) and includes theoretical and practical teaching.

Compulsory course attendance is required.

Educational credits (ECTS) are 60, as in the followings:

  • frontal and group teaching
  • individual study (36 ECTS)
  • training activities (20 ECTS)
  • thesis preparation and dissertation (4 ECTS)

Intermediate and final assessments

After every session, the level of learning will be assessed in accordance with accredited criteria selected by different teachers, preferably through multiple answer tests.

Clinical competence will be assessed through case study analysis and discussion. Clinical practice will take place in public or private accredited hospitals, will be judged by educational tutors and will be based on the ability to evaluate and manage a surgical geriatric patient, to use specific tests, scales and scores and to make the right choice about different treatment options.

Obtaining the qualification will require successful exams and discussion of a final thesis on pertinent subjects. Thesis will be in double copy and on digital support (CD) in MS Words.

Unsuccessful exam will only give the certificate of attendance, not the MSc qualification.