II level Master in "International Security Studies" - AY 2022-2023
The second level inter-university master's degree in “International Security Studies. A comparative analysis of current theories and policy paradigms of national and international security" is a one-year postgraduate curriculum designed to provide a solid grounding in international security studies, effectively blending the teaching offerings of theUniversity of San Marino and University of Modena and Reggio Emilia to that of some of the most important International Research Centers, with the explicit ambition of helping to overcome the relative scarcity of studies on this crucial field in Europe today.
An advanced analysis of the set of current "global threats" to peace and security - such as renewed concerns about the risk of conflict between major national powers; proliferation of nuclear weapons; unconventional and asymmetric warfare; transnational terrorism and the spread of violent extremism; actual and potential alliances between terrorist groups and transnational criminal networks; illicit channels for terrorist financing; cyber warfare and cyber crime; affirmation of “non-state actors”; civil wars and rebellions in the context of regional crises and aggressions; humanitarian crises and refugees/mass migrations; the presence of health crises and epidemics on an international scale; prolonged instability of financial markets; climate change and food/water resources at risk – will allow for an introductory, yet rigorous, foray into the understanding and comparative analysis of parallel paradigms of response to national and global security challenges, with particular attention to approaches promoted by States United States and from Western Europe.
In this context, the teachers will guide the students' efforts towards a careful analysis of the current debate on international law and organizations - including the established rules of armed conflicts - and the roles and nature of the traditional sovereign state, together with the analysis of existing friction (and the search for an acceptable balance) between respect for civil liberties and the need to protect national / international security, addressing the specific issues related to technology, "Technological Companies" (Big Tech) and the revolution of " Big Data”.
The subjects and topics covered will shape a study trajectory linked to the crucial crossroads between geopolitics, social and political sciences, law and international relations, constitutional traditions, macroeconomics, global cooperation/development and their philosophical underpinnings.
Il Masters in International Security Studies is divided into a cycle of frontal lessons, supplemented by a series of seminar activities and a period of internship at Centers of Excellence in Security and Defense and recognizes 6th University Training Credits (CFU).
Learning objectives
The Master is intended to train the professional figures in charge of international security, called to face the main threats to it, such as alliances between terrorist groups, civil wars, health crises and the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
- To experience an authentic personal growth e professional, comparing himself with Teachers of heterogeneous extraction level – academics, Career Military, Diplomatic Personnel, High Institutional Offices - and interacting with professionals and experts of the sector of international fame.
- To share individual experiences, enriching their skills thanks to use of different approaches compared to sensitive topics and stringent topicality.
- To experience the complex interweaving between theoretical, scientific and humanistic knowledge and today's global threat scenarios, from a comprehensive, predictive and risk management perspective.
- To enjoy all the benefits of a training course delivered entirely in streamingvia platform Microsoft Teams, by accessing the educational materials provided with modality e-learning.
- To benefit from the constant technical-scientific support of a qualified tutoring, able to respond to the individual needs of the student.
- obtain a Master's Diploma with legal value in Europe and Italy, issued by two public universities, the University of San Marino and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
The Master is aimed at students and professionals who aspire to access some of the most demanding and currently most requested professional sectors and to anyone who is interested, for personal or work reasons, in international security issues.
I places available for the 2022/2023 academic year are 30
The course is reserved for Students graduates in possession of the Diploma of Master's degree, specialist degree (or equivalent Old System) issued by a legally recognized University.
I foreign academic qualifications they must be translated, legalized and accompanied by a declaration of value by the competent Italian diplomatic missions.
It's cThe participation of is allowed Hearers even non-graduates, but with strong experience
certified professional in the field. The number of Auditors admitted will be defined on the basis of the places available following admission as Students.
Employment opportunities
At the end of the training course, the Master graduates will be able to face a punctual and articulated reflection on the key issues of current world affairs, applying a professional approach both to the analysis of problems and to the definition of possible solutions.
Thanks to solid theoretical and methodological foundations, they will be able to accomplish sectoral investigations systematic and in-depth, using the resources necessary for the identification and resolution of areas of concern at a regional and global level.
This postgraduate curriculum is aimed at students of various disciplines, to prepare them to make their own qualified contribution both within private entrepreneurial realities both in those of the Public Administration,intelligence, of the Military compartment and Public security.
Ministry of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of San Marino;
State Secretariat for Education, Culture and University, research, information, sport, technological innovation and relations with the AASS of the Republic of San Marino;
Ministry of State for Internal Affairs of the Republic of San Marino;
Secretariat of State Industry Crafts Trade and Employment of the Republic of San Marino.