Final and intermediate exams


In June/July of the year of attendance of the Master, the students will have to take an intermediate test which consists of questions with multiple choice answers on the topics covered during the lessons of the GENERAL MODULE.


The final exam will consist in the discussion of a thesis on a topic agreed with a teacher of the course or with the tutor of the internship. The thesis can be research or compiling. The topics, naturally connected to the DSA, will be chosen by the student and will be able to deepen themes analyzed during the lessons or during the training projects.

  • Length: at least 35 pages, excluding title page and bibliography/sitography
  • Font: of your choice as long as it is legible and not larger than 12
  • Line spacing: single
  • Paragraph: justified
  • Margins: 4 cm to the left – 3 cm to the right (for possible printing and binding)
  • Title page: use the model provided by the University bearing the name and signature
    original of your supervisor (for the digital copy the signature of the supervisor is required with
    color scan)
  • Contents: Introduction, chapters, bibliography and possible sitography (the latter
    only if the thesis refers to texts, articles and programs or part of them consulted online)

Send 1 electronic copy in pdf format to the contact person for the Masters of the University of San Marino, Dr. Elena Mularoni ( at least 15 days before the discussion.

At the same time as sending the thesis, fill in the form below.

  • The discussions will be held at the Department of Human Sciences of the University of the Studies of the Republic of San Marino or electronically.
  • It is advisable to use a PowerPoint or pdf presentation during the discussion
  • The estimated times for the discussions will be communicated by e-mail after the
    announcement of official dates
  • Speakers do not need to be present
  • The theses will be discussed individually but in a public (or virtual) classroom and on time
    available for discussion will be on average 10 minutes for each candidate
  • On the day of the discussion it is possible to request a certificate of attendance valid for the purposes
    of the recognition of the working day for the rule on the "right to study"
  • It is not possible to make video recordings during the discussion
  • In respect of the Commission and colleagues, candidates are invited to respect the timetable of