UNIRSM News Specific learning disabilities: 75 achieve first and second level masters at the University of San Marino

Specific learning disabilities: 75 achieve first and second level masters at the University of San Marino

The scientific director, Giacomo Stella: "High number of participants, it is the busiest in Italy"

Forty professionals and students aged between 24 and 50, coming from cities such as Turin, Milan, Parma, Florence and Rome, will obtain the diploma of the second level Master in Neuropsychological Evaluation and Treatment of Specific Learning Disorders on Friday 21 April of the University of the Republic of San Marino. Organized in partnership with the Universities of Urbino and Modena and Reggio Emilia, the training course combines 344 hours of lessons with 300 hours of internship, and is aimed in particular at graduates in psychology and medicine. The discussion of the theses and the ceremony for the delivery of the certificates will take place in the headquarters of the Department of Human Sciences, in via Napoleone Bonaparte 3, San Marino City.

Last week, on the other hand, 35 completed the first level Master's in Techniques for the Re-education of Specific Learning Disorders, mainly attended by those who will work as a speech therapist, educator or teacher. An initiative coordinated by Giacomo Stella, scientific director of both Masters and leading academic in the field of Specific Learning Disorders. "The scientific prestige of the second level Master's - says the professor - is documented by the high number of participants, which made it the most attended in Italy in the academic year".

DSA 1 diplomas

DSA 2 diplomas
