12 ECTS = 300 HOURS
The internship represents one of the characterizing aspects of the training process and provides experience in specific Services for the Professional Profile in training.
Attendance at internship activities is mandatory and attendance must be documented.
The internship can be carried out in structures chosen by the student in which it is available a Tutor with an adequate Curriculum Vitae for the purposes of the training objectives. In this context, the internship locations will be identified on the basis of the student's educational objectives, taking into account criteria related to organizational complexity, the presence of efficient and innovative managerial-operational processes; the internship areas can be identified throughout the national territory, in agreement with the students, provided that the locations have adequate characteristics and quality requirements.
Subscribers to II level Masters they must carry out an internship at Bodies or Structures in which tutoring is guaranteed by Psychologists o Child neuropsychiatrists with documented experience in DSA.
For the academic year 2024/2025 the student is required to self-identify a structure to carry out the internship by 30 June 2025.
To request the documentation necessary to start the internship and for further information, write to