Biographical profile
Luisa Lopez is a Neurophysiopathologist with a PhD in Neuropsychopathology of Learning Processes in the developmental age. You are currently the Chief Physician in the Neuropsychiatry Outpatient Clinic in the “Villa Immacolata” Nursing Home in San Martino al Cimino, Viterbo. Furthermore, since 2000 you have been the scientific consultant of the Neuroscience and Music project of the Mariani Foundation, with which you have collaborated in the realization of the international conferences "Neuroscience and Music". Also for the Mariani Foundation you collaborate in the Neuromusic News newsletter. You participated with the Litta Village in the Multicentric Project “Rhythm and music to rehabilitate reading disorders (ReMus)” – Mariani Foundation Grant. She is also a lecturer at the university course of Neuropsychomotricity of the Developmental Age of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, for the integrated course of neurophysiology; at the three-year course in Physiotherapy at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, at the I level Master's Degree in Techniques for the re-education of DSA and the II Master's Degree in Neuropsychological Evaluation and Treatment of DSA at the Universities of Modena Reggio Emilia and San Marino. You are the Scientific Director of the Oltre School of Music Therapy in Rome. You carry out training activities for universities and on behalf of the Italian Dyslexia Association, of which you have been an active member since 1998.