Biographical profile
Full Professor of General Psychology at Unimore since 2005. He graduated from the University of Padua, received his PhD from the University of Bologna, and was a visiting researcher at the University of California, San Diego. He was President of the degree course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques (2015-2018) at Unimore, member of the Commission for the National Scientific Qualification for the competition sector 11/E1 (2016-2018). He is a member of the Research Commission of Unimore (since 2010) and Director of the Master in "Autism and developmental disorders" of Unimore (since 2017). He is a consultant to ANVUR as a disciplinary expert (since 2015) and as a system expert (since 2017). His main research interests concern attentional phenomena, the neuro-cognitive basis of social behaviors and perceptual-motor behavior.