UNIRSM People Sandro Rubichi

Sandro Rubichi

Biographical profile

Full Professor of General Psychology at Unimore since 2005. He graduated from the University of Padua, received his PhD from the University of Bologna, and was a visiting researcher at the University of California, San Diego. He was President of the degree course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques (2015-2018) at Unimore, member of the Commission for the National Scientific Qualification for the competition sector 11/E1 (2016-2018). He is a member of the Research Commission of Unimore (since 2010) and Director of the Master in "Autism and developmental disorders" of Unimore (since 2017). He is a consultant to ANVUR as a disciplinary expert (since 2015) and as a system expert (since 2017). His main research interests concern attentional phenomena, the neuro-cognitive basis of social behaviors and perceptual-motor behavior.