The Master intends to provide the clinical and operative tools for immediate operation and provides for an initial general theoretical training module followed by a technical-applicative training module equal to 43 CFU with a compulsory internship equal to 12 CFU, and a final exam equal to 5 CFU (Total 60 credits, 1500 total hours of teaching, internship and individual study).
The didactic articulation of the two training modules includes:

Theoretical general module

The lessons will take place during the period from February to June. The general address module is aimed at building common skills with clinicians; the general path is intended to provide functional knowledge to understand the diagnosis, to the construction of a expert language in order to make communication and multidisciplinary management possible, and to identify the functional areas to be treated. The general theoretical module includes the following disciplinary fields:

  • Foundations of Neurophysiology
  • Special Pedagogy
  • Neurological foundations and neuropsychological basis of learning difficulties and major neuropsychological deficits
  • Nosography, etiology, epidemiology and neuroradiology of specific learning disabilities
  • Neuropsychology of attention, executive functions, memory
  • Development and Psychopathology of Specific Developmental Disorders
  • Principles of neuropsychological rehabilitation
  • Neurological foundations, neuropsychological bases and clinical characteristics of learning difficulties and major neuropsychological deficits
  • Models of intervention in the rehabilitation of specific language disorders

The teachings relating to the general theoretical module of the course will be proposed through training remotely (synchronous and asynchronous) and in presence (optional).

Technical module - application

Lessons will take place from September to December. The course aims to train the technical skills and enable the treatment, providing knowledge on the most up-to-date tools and on more effective methods of intervention for the re-education, strengthening and prevention of DSA. The technical-application module includes the following disciplinary areas:

  • The neuropsychological rehabilitation of reading disorders
  • The neuropsychological re-education of writing disorders
  • The neuropsychological re-education of calculation disorders
  • The neuropsychological rehabilitation of attention disorders
  • Rehabilitation of specific language disorders
  • Models of intervention in cognitive deficit and mental retardation
  • IT tools in rehabilitation

The teachings relating to the technical-application module of the course will be offered through training remotely (synchronous) and in presence (optional).

Attendance at lessons in synchronous mode must be guaranteed for 66 hours in the general module and 66 hours in the technical-applicative module.