UNIRSM News Alessandro Barbero on the Titano to inaugurate the Academic Year of the University of San Marino: "A presence that honors us"

Alessandro Barbero on the Titano to inaugurate the Academic Year of the University of San Marino: "A presence that honors us"

The Rector, Corrado Petrocelli, will intervene in view of the ceremony on 3 March together with the historian and popularizer

Alessandro Barbero will inaugurate the 2022-23 Academic Year of the University of the Republic of San Marino with a lectio magistralis entitled "How Europe came out of the crisis of the fourteenth century".
A presence, that of the professor and author, historian and popularizer, "decidedly significant and which honors us", comments the Rector of the University of San Marino, Corrado Petrocelli, in view of the appointment scheduled at 15 pm on Friday 3 March at Kursaal Congress Center.
Strega Prize in 1996 with the book "Bella vita e guerre altrui di Mr. Pyle, gentiluomo", translated into seven languages, and professor at the University of Eastern Piedmont, Barbero established himself beyond academic circles in television programs such as Superquark and on the web: in 2022 his history lessons and conferences were the second most listened to in Italy on Apple Podcasts, the most popular scenes in the peninsula on Spotify.
"We will have the opportunity to attend the intervention of a historian of undoubted and profound qualities, with a broad horizon of studies and interests", explains Petrocelli.
During the ceremony, the University of San Marino will award Barbero with an honorary research doctorate in Historical Sciences: "A testimony of the esteem that San Marino has for him, by one of the flagships of our University, represented by the Scuola Superior of Historical Studies".
The appointment on 3 March will also be an opportunity for the Rector to take stock of the activities that have engaged teachers and staff during the last year in the academic context and on the territory, ranging from teaching to research through collaborations and projects, summarizing , vocations and prospects. Luciano Canfora, director of the Department of History, Franco Cardini, member of the scientific council of the Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici, and Andrea Belluzzi, Secretary of State for Education and Culture will also participate.