The comment by the director of the University's Legal Institute, Paolo Pascucci, in view of Giuliano Amato's lectio magistralis
“One of the most modern and cultured jurists on the Italian scene, from a scientific point of view one of the most illustrious constitutionalists”. That's it is Paolo Pascucci, director of the Legal Institute of the University of the Republic of San Marino, describes Giuliano Amato, who will be entrusted with the lectio magistralis scheduled during the inauguration ceremony of the Academic Year 2023-24. The appointment is for Wednesday 27 March at the Kursaal Congress Center, from 15 pm.
"It is such an eminent personality in the field of Legal Science that we cannot help but be happy and honored by his presence", continues the academic.
Contributing to Amato's stature is an experience extending from the university to the political sphere: "In the Italian system he has held fundamental roles such as that of president of the Constitutional Court. Furthermore, at an institutional level, he was both Prime Minister and Minister."
On the literature front, Pascucci recalls the "Manual of Public Law" signed by Amato together with Augusto Barbera", defined as "a milestone", and underlines the attention of the future guest of the University of San Marino for "Community Law and ethical issues".
Finally, inaugurating the Academic Year with the lectio magistralis of such a figure enhances the growing activities of the Law Institute of the University of San Marino: "Although the University of San Marino does not offer a degree course in Law - explains Pascucci - we are taking on an increasingly important role in the ordering of Titan. That is - teacher – through the involvement of our experts, who are consulted for the technical support necessary for the preparation of the laws".
Recently, among the most relevant activities, "a collaboration with the Secretariat of State for Labor on a reform project and the implementation of a Master's degree on managerial culture in the PA, carried out together with the General Directorate of the Public Function". By inviting Amato, concludes the director of the Legal Institute, "the University of San Marino has given a signal of attention towards what we do for the University and for the whole community".
During the ceremony, speeches are expected from the Rector, Corrado Petrocelli, and the Secretary of State for Education and Culture, Andrea Belluzzi. Entrance free.