UNIRSM News At the University of San Marino a conference on the future of public procurement in Italy

At the University of San Marino a conference on the future of public procurement in Italy

On Monday 30 October an initiative aimed at professionals together with the National Council of Engineers

What will be the room for manoeuvre, tools, opportunities and challenges for officials who follow the execution of public procurement in Italy in light of the new code recently adopted on the subject? This is the underlying question of a conference organized by the University of the Republic of San Marino and scheduled for Monday 30 October at the headquarters of the Civil Engineering degree courses, in Dogana. Experts, institutional representatives, lawyers and academics will take the stage.

In front of an audience mainly made up of professionals, Ermete Dalprato, professor of the Laboratory of Territorial and Urban Planning of the degree course in Civil Engineering of the University of San Marino, will speak among others: "The new code - he explains - represents a revolution that will come at full capacity next January with the latest operational details. We therefore decided to organize this training initiative to provide an in-depth analysis of the phases involved in public procurement, with particular attention to the responsibilities and skills of the actors in the processes. To be clear – clarifies the academic – we are talking about the path that begins with the construction work of a road, a school or a gym, and ends with the finished work. This is a parenthesis in which a wide series of variables come into play which often lead to the need to correct the aim and intervene with continuous adjustments to avoid delays or other problems. Just think of the increase in the cost of raw materials, the need to use a greater quantity of materials than expected, or running into episodes such as the discovery of an archaeological find during excavations, which must be addressed in an appropriate and timely manner through management acts that involve managerial responsibilities and skills".

Hence an initiative that materializes a protocol signed last February by the University of San Marino and the Italian National Council of Engineers on activities such as courses and internships, with the involvement of the Order of Engineers and Architects of Titano and the College of Surveyors and First Level Graduate Technicians, as well as the professional associations of the provinces of Rimini and Pesaro – Urbino.

“It is the first conference held in this setting – underlines Dalprato – in which we will address very important conceptual innovations together with Baldino Gaddi, manager of public works of the Municipality of Cattolica, Daniele Sanzani, professor of Public Law at the University of Bologna, Paolo Filippo Biancofiore , cassation lawyer, and Ivan Cecchini, administrative director of the Municipality of Bellaria Igea Marina and professor of Integrated Prevention Law at the University of Urbino".

The event will be opened by a speech by the director of the Civil Engineering degree courses of the University of San Marino, Angelo Marcello Tarantino. Starting at 14 pm, it adds to a broader series of in-depth studies which in recent weeks have seen professors from the University of San Marino participate, as speakers, in two conferences organized on Titan by the Civil Protection and the association " I don't tremble." Last October 30, at Palazzo Graziani, three professors spoke about the damage and effects of earthquakes, as well as planning strategies. Last Wednesday, however, focus on seismic danger and tools to mitigate risks together with the University of Bologna.