UNIRSM News The University of San Marino received recognition from the World Bank for having contributed to analyzes of the situation of women in 190 economies

The University of San Marino received recognition from the World Bank for having contributed to analyzes of the situation of women in 190 economies

Employment and entrepreneurship among the aspects addressed in the 2023 report of the United Nations agency, in which the Titan is also present

The World Bank has recognized the University of the Republic of San Marino with a diploma of merit for the contribution provided in the research that led to the 2023 annual report "Women, business and the law", an analysis that measures the extent of legal and regulatory hurdles faced by women in business, employment and beyond.

Now in its ninth edition and published by the specialized agency of the United Nations, the main international organization for development support and poverty reduction, the document addresses the situation relating to the Titan together with that of 189 other world economies. Focus, among other things, on the obstacles to women's economic participation, as well as the persistence or elimination of discriminatory laws in all states. In this sense, the 'photograph' of the situation in San Marino reported in the report was taken thanks to the activity of the University, which has been collaborating on the project since 2020, with the Research Center for International Relations and together with the Unitary Trade Union Centre.

In addition to last year's dynamics, the Washington-based institution's report provides the first comprehensive assessment of data collected over the past half-century in a study that includes new research, a literature review, and an analysis of 53 years of reforms for women's rights. Under the magnifying glass, among other aspects, interactions with the legislative environment and in professional careers, taking into account mobility, workplace, salary, marriage, parenthood, entrepreneurship, assets and retirement.

The report is available on the World Bank website, www.worldbank.org: can be downloaded from the "Women, business and the law" section of the project, which can be accessed from the "research and publications" area, inserted under the "what we do" main menu item, in the "knowledge" column.

Credits: “Women in Tech – 65”