UNIRSM News Calls for selection for teachers and teaching collaborators: applications open until 5 July

Calls for selection for teachers and teaching collaborators: applications open until 5 July

Degree courses in Design, Engineering, Construction and Territorial Management are involved

There are twenty-nine teaching positions for which the University of the Republic of San Marino has opened selections within the various degree courses offered.

As regards Design, subjects such as History of visual communications are involved in the three-year program and Semiotics of artifacts in the master's programme, while in the framework of the Construction and Land Management path, dedicated to surveyors, training activities such as Topography and Architectural and Urban Composition appear. Finally, Civil Engineering is looking for a professor for the lessons of Building dynamics in the three-year program, Projects of structures in seismic areas in the master's program and beyond.

Thirteen teaching assistants are also to be identified, in a series of tenders that also involve Management Engineering.

Applications to participate in the selection must be received by 15 pm on 5 July.