UNIRSM News Canfora in view of Amato's speech at the University of San Marino: "The attention of young people is high on the topic that will be addressed"

Canfora in view of Amato's speech at the University of San Marino: "The attention of young people is high on the topic that will be addressed"

On March 27, the jurist's lectio magistralis entitled "The difficult democracy of our time and the Italian Constitution"

From the lectio magistralis entrusted to the jurist Giuliano Amato during the inauguration ceremony of the 2023-24 Academic Year of the University of the Republic of San Marino, the historian Luciano Canfora expects an extremely timely analysis.

The themes cited in the title announced by the president emeritus of the Constitutional Court, in the past prime minister of Palazzo Chigi and Minister, oriented him in this direction: "The difficult democracy of our time and the Italian Constitution".

According to Canfora, director of the Historical and Legal Department of the University of San Marino, “we find ourselves faced with representative parliamentary systems, defined as democratic sometimes with some stretch, which suffer greatly. Phenomena such as mass absenteeism and the disintegration of parties – he continues – show a political democracy that is not doing so well”.

Faced with the outlined scenario, the Italian Constitution itself, within the peninsula, "can represent a bulwark against drift. I hope, by the way, that Amato is not pessimistic in his speech."

What is increasing attention towards the Italian reality is the possibility, currently at the center of the political debate, of a constitutional reform: "We are talking about interventions that would go to the root of the constitutional system", underlines Canfora. "We'll see if those who defend it or those who want to demolish it will prevail."

During the ceremony on March 27, scheduled from 15 pm at the Kursaal Congress Center with the opening entrusted to the Rector Corrado Petrocelli, Amato will find himself in front of an audience made up of academics, institutional representatives and above all students. “I think that among young people the interest in the Constitution and the dynamics that involve it is high”, Canfora's words. “I say this in light of a seminar we held last year as part of our PhD in Historical Studies, in which we dedicated ample space to this topic. The attention of our doctoral students – he guarantees – was high”.