On 9 March the University will be involved in a discussion on technologies related to sustainable packaging in Fermo
“Faced with the ongoing revolution in the field of food packaging, stimulated by the indications that the European Union is bringing forward and which will see all the packaging in which food is stored be recyclable by 2030, the University of San Marino is at work to create a bridge between the technologies developed at an academic level and their use within companies in the sector".
This is the extent of the contribution offered by the University of the Republic of San Marino with the participation of Marco Scatto, doctoral student of the laurea in Management Engineering, at Tipicità Festival 2024, one of the main Italian events ranging from food, travel, manufacturing, small and large production excellences brand territorial events, scheduled from Saturday 9th to Monday 11th March in Fermo, in the Marche region.
Specifically, during the first day of the event the representative of the University of San Marino will participate in a discussion entitled "Content & container - healthy eating starts from the packaging", in which from 17 pm, in the spaces of Fermo Forum, he will discuss with representatives of some private entities engaged in the sector and the Carta Etica del Packaging Foundation, discussing packaging innovation in terms of accessibility, sustainability and more.
“As an expert in the technological transfer of packaging materials – explains Scatto - I will go and illustrate to an audience mainly made up of professionals, within acomparison nato from an idea of the Marche entrepreneur Stefania Di Battista, how to transfer innovation from the world of university to that ofindustry, with the use of materials that derive for example from waste of agri-food or fish origin. The use of biomaterials and recyclable materials – continues the doctoral student – it is a very current and discussed topic in light of the activities that the EU is currently engaging in and will lead to a review of the European packaging and packaging waste market, useful for competitiveness and innovation, as well as to align environmental ambitions and industrial realitiese".
The event will be coordinated by Marco Ardemagni, RAI presenter.