UNIRSM News Cinema and TV: a round table at the University of San Marino on the contribution of women in the audiovisual industries

Cinema and TV: a round table at the University of San Marino on the contribution of women in the audiovisual industries

Appointment on Thursday 14 March with the president of the Women in Film, Television & Media Italia association

How and where to intervene to increase the contribution of women in the audiovisual world, from cinema to television, and why is their participation so important? Exploring the territories surrounding this question, on Thursday 14 March, will be the figures who will participate in a round table on gender equality and professions in the sector, organized by the University of the Republic of San Marino in the headquarters of the Ex Tribunal, in via Salita alla Rocca 44, in the historic center of Titano.
During the event, which starts at 15 pm in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Authority, the teacher Maria Elena D'Amelio, the director of the Cultural Institutes Paolo Rondelli and the president of the Women in Film, Television & Media association will speak. Italy, Domizia De Rosa.

It will be she, in view of an appointment included in the calendar of initiatives offered during the Women's Day period, who will illustrate the need for greater female participation in the audiovisual and media industry: "Our sector is made up of professional very different, from the creative ones, such as directors and screenwriters, to the technical ones, for example on set or in post production. Then there are managerial positions, from producers to distributors, up to those who deal with promotion, criticism, journalism and events. This means that gender imbalances are of variable proportions and therefore more or less evident".

In an environment where gender equality appears within reach but still far away, according to De Rosa the urgency of taking steps forward can no longer be postponed. At stake are not only careers, but also the impact of films and programs on spectators: “The audiovisual – he states – through its stories has the power to reflect our present and to build possible futures, and it is for this is crucially its other power, that of including or excluding. In this sense, the richness of contemporary society must certainly be represented, and this also involves the involvement of an adequate quota of professionals".

The presence of the founding member of Women in Film, Television & Media Italia at the round table, organized by the LEI (Gender Identity Education Laboratory) interdepartmental working group of the University of San Marino, establishes Titano as the venue for an in-depth analysis on the context of the peninsula from the point of view of those who work in cinema and in the world of TV, completing the perspective with the contribution of figures active in the San Marino context.

Among others, speeches by the general director of the University, Laura Gobbi, and the director of the Department of Human Sciences, Luigi Guerra, are expected.

Free admission.