Prevention, cultural awareness and research in the Disciplinary of Assignment signed this morning
Courses and initiatives on the prevention and contrast of violence against women and gender, aimed at psychologists, law enforcement representatives, journalists, lawyers, notaries, magistrates and more. This is what is foreseen in an agreement involving the Secretariat of State for Health, Social Security and Equal Opportunities together with the University of the Republic of San Marino, signed this morning at the headquarters of the State Hospital.
By addressing issues such as the protection of privacy and taking charge of victims, computer crimes and the criteria for recognizing the abuser, the initiatives envisaged by the Disciplinary of Assignment, signed by the Secretary of State Roberto Ciavatta and the Rector Corrado Petrocelli, will go to support the requirements, established at the regulatory level on the Titan, relating to research and professional training on the subject, as well as the implementation of activities dedicated to cultural awareness and prevention.
In this sense, the University of San Marino will organize courses and round tables through the Department of Human Sciences, establishing the appropriate lines of intervention together with the Authority for Equal Opportunities. Also foreseen is the collaboration of the ONLUS "House of women to avoid violence".