UNIRSM News From tomorrow in bookstores the new book of the University of San Marino, edited by the Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici

From tomorrow in bookstores the new book of the University of San Marino, edited by the Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici

The latest book in the "Critica Storica" ​​series of the University of the Republic of San Marino, published by the Il Mulino publishing house, will be available in peninsula bookshops starting tomorrow, 27 January, on the occasion of Memorial Day.

Signed by Giorgio Fabre, already the author of several volumes on fascist and Nazi anti-Semitism, on Catholic anti-Judaism and on censorship during Mussolini's regime, the 320-page text is entitled "The Grand Council against the Jews - 6 and 7 October 1938: Mussolini, Balbo and the regime". It was created as part of the initiatives of the Higher School of Historical Studies of the University of San Marino.

Thanks to elements and activities such as a document that has now emerged in its entirety, an in-depth research work on the episodes involved and the memories of the protagonists, Fabre reconstructs the confrontation, which lasted 5 hours, in which the Grand Council of fascism discussed the Declaration on race by Benito Mussolini: "A text meditated on for weeks - reads the description of the book - destined to become the reference for the racist policy of the regime". "Crucial changes were proposed", from which it emerges "how Mussolini tried to reconcile the various solutions by accepting or rejecting some of the requests advanced by the fascist leaders, knowing the decisions taken in the meantime in Germany, but maintaining a certain distance".