UNIRSM News Two professors from the University of Calabria to teach at the PhD in Economic and Management Engineering at the University of San Marino

Two professors from the University of Calabria to teach at the PhD in Economic and Management Engineering at the University of San Marino

Focus on software useful in scientific research with Salvatore Ammirato and Alberto Felicetti

Salvatore Ammirato and Alberto Felicetti, professors at the University of Calabria and among the developers of a software that allows researchers to quickly and accurately analyze scientific articles on any topic, have curated an in-depth study dedicated to PhD students in Economic and Management Engineering at the University of the Republic of San Marino.

On Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 September, at the university headquarters in Dogana, the two academics illustrated the functioning and characteristics of the software, also offering a general overview of the tools useful for those who are called upon to analyze the state of the art of a specific field of study. An activity, this, carried out with the help of digital tools that until a few years ago were absent, capable of managing large amounts of information and data.

The lessons are part of a broader activity that aims to provide PhD students, together with specific knowledge related to the areas of study, an overview of the skills required of those who work in the academic field, including how to present research. By the way, during 2024, Professor Vincenzo Corvello of the University of Messina, director of the European Journal of Innovation Management, took the chair in San Marino: he explained how a scientific paper should be written, what are the methods of submission to an international academic journal, the evaluation criteria and so on.

For PhD students in Economic and Management Engineering, the next appointment is scheduled for Friday, September 27th together with Isabella Mozzoni, professor at the University of Parma.