Friday 3 February an appointment with Filomena Maggino for insights into Management Engineering
Filomena Maggino, professor of Social Statistics at the 'La Sapienza' University of Rome and engaged at an institutional level in positions that involved the role of adviser to the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte between 2018 and 2021, will take the chair on Friday 3 February for the penultimate appointment of a series of international workshops that the Management Engineering degree course of the University of the Republic of San Marino has reserved for its students.
The five days on the calendar, gathered under the title "The role of statistics in health management", kicked off on 26 January to offer members insights into the tools for analyzing social and health data, planning and managing services for the third and fourth age, the measure of poverty and more.
At 10 am, in the University headquarters of the World Trade Center in Dogana (tower B, third floor), Maggiono will be the protagonist of a workshop on the quality of life. His experience, in addition to supporting the Conte government on issues such as statistics and sustainable development, involves the presidency of the "Benessere Italia" control room at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers from 2019 to 2021, as well as the direction of the magazine "Social Indicators Research”.
The appointment with the professor of the University 'La Sapienza' will be followed, in the afternoon, by a speech with a focus on the reality of San Marino curated by Marcello Forcellini, administrative director of the Institute for Social Security, and Andrea Gualtieri, doctor expert in organization and quality systems. Title: "The importance of data monitoring within the ISS and the Health Authority".
The cycle of workshops involved figures from academic realities such as the Liverpool Business School and the Universities of Salerno, Chieti and Pescara, Padua, Milan - Bicocca and Federico II of Naples.