UNIRSM News Thursday the presentation of the research by the University of San Marino on public opinion and Europe: "It concerns an epochal event"

Thursday the presentation of the research by the University of San Marino on public opinion and Europe: "It concerns an epochal event"

Chiaruzzi: “A study never done before, which fills a gap in knowledge”

“A research based on an extraordinary amount of data, carried out to understand what the people of San Marino think about Europe and the association agreement between Titan and the EU”. This, in the words of the director of the Research Center for International Relations of the University of the Republic of San Marino, Michele Chiaruzzi, is the scientific investigation "Europe and us - San Marino public opinion towards the European Union" , which will be presented on Thursday 14 December at 20 pm in the Sala Montelupo in Domagnano.

An opportunity, open to the public, for an in-depth analysis of the main feelings widespread among the population regarding the integration path that Titan is currently undertaking: “The association agreement – ​​explains Chiaruzzi – is considered by many to be an epochal event and precisely for this reason our Research Centre, in collaboration with the Industry Section Social Services Fund and the IT, Technology, Data and Statistics Office, has carried out a study never carried out before which fills a gap in knowledge".

Hence an initiative that intends to provide useful information and tools to better understand the present, past and future: "We studied public opinion because it is a backbone of democracy", further specifies the director of the Research Centre, describing the vocation of the project. “It arises from the debate on a topic of general interest and presupposes a civil society distinguishable from the State, free and articulated, which allows the formation of opinions and which is interested in the management of public affairs, even if it does not carry out an immediate activity politics. Knowing public opinion – concludes Chiaruzzi – is essential to recognize its function of allowing all citizens active political participation, through discussion and the rational expression of free opinions on issues of common interest. The evening of December 14th enhances this participation, offering everyone a chance to listen and reflect."

The research, which is based on over 1.500 questionnaires, reports among other things the voting orientation with respect to a possible referendum on Titan's membership of the EU. Entrance is free. More information on the site www.unirsm.sm, in the “events” section.