UNIRSM News Giuliano Amato will inaugurate the Academic Year of the University of San Marino

Giuliano Amato will inaugurate the Academic Year of the University of San Marino

On March 27th the ceremony at the Kursaal Congress Center together with the Rector, Corrado Petrocelli

The lectio magistralis scheduled during the inauguration ceremony of the 2022-2023 Academic Year of the University of the Republic of San Marino, scheduled for Wednesday 24 March at the Kursaal Congress Center.

The title of the speech: "The difficult democracy of our time and the Italian Constitution".

Emeritus professor of the European University Institute of Fiesole and of the La Sapienza University of Rome, as well as president of the Treccani Encyclopedia Institute from 2009 to 2013, beyond his academic commitment he has twice held the position of Italian prime minister and as many as Treasury Minister. He was also Minister of the Interior and Minister for Institutional Reforms, as well as a parliamentarian for eighteen years.

As an author he has signed texts on European integration, individual freedoms and other legal and political issues, also ruling, within the framework of the activities of the Constitutional Court, on matters such as fundamental rights and the right to personal identity.

The lectio magistralis will be preceded by a speech by the Rector of the University of San Marino, Corrado Petrocelli, scheduled for 15 pm. Free entry.