UNIRSM News The students of the Design degree courses at the University of San Marino will design the new San Marino Innovation logo

The students of the Design degree courses at the University of San Marino will design the new San Marino Innovation logo

Varini: "For our members the opportunity to compare themselves with local excellence"

The three-year and master's degree courses in Design of the University of the Republic of San Marino have announced a competition of ideas, reserved for students, for the design of the new San Marino Innovation logo, in collaboration with the Institute for Innovation.
Participants will be asked, among other things, to develop the basic lines of the visual identity and propose its application on the website, on social networks, in merchandising and in paper materials such as business cards and flyers: "Working together with a which puts innovation in the foreground will certainly be a great stimulus for our students, who will have the opportunity to deal with local excellence, enriching the wide range of contributions offered by our training programs in different fields, outside and inside the borders of the republic", the words of Riccardo Varini, director of the three-year degree course in Design. “I am sure that our members will be able to best translate their creative intuitions by combining them with the skills learned during our lessons, laboratories and workshops, returning something that fully reflects the values ​​of San Marino Innovation”.
In light of the growing number of projects of common interest managed by the two entities, which also involved the training sector, the competition thus consolidates a collaboration which last February, among the various activities, saw Management Engineering students take advantage of a course on the applications of blockchain technology. Also in the foreground are various initiatives developed to promote and share research and technological development.
“We expect a logo that signals a positive and modern change, but which remains anchored to the roots and identity of the Institute”, explains lawyer Michele Cervellini, director of San Marino Innovation. “The decision to involve students rather than experts was mainly based on their versatility, which is reflected in unconventional proposals and innovative ideas. Furthermore, the presence of professional supervisors selected by the University offers a significant contribution to ensuring a high level of quality in the completion of the project, ensuring competent guidance and targeted support. Both institutions – concludes Cervellini – have recognized the benefits of mutual collaboration especially with regards to access to complementary resources and skills thanks to which it is possible to create, as in this case, opportunities for students to acquire practical experience”.