UNIRSM News Students of the University of San Marino at podcast school together with two Radio Rai signatures

Students of the University of San Marino at podcast school together with two Radio Rai signatures

The initiative is organized by Usmaradio - Interdepartmental Research Center for Radiophony

Two Radio Rai authors will take the chair at the University of the Republic of San Marino on Wednesday 31 May and Thursday 1 June for a workshop entitled "Telling with sound - how to make a podcast".

The initiative, organized by Usmaradio – Interdepartmental Research Center for Radiophony and aimed at fifteen students enrolled in degree courses, will be curated by Gianni Gozzoli, who in parallel with the radio activity has collaborated with realities such as the Emilia - Romagna Region and Santarcangelo Festival, and Matteo Cavezzali, award-winning writer and artistic director of the literary review Writing of Ravenna.

Nine hours of laboratory will be held in the spaces of the San Marino University broadcaster, which broadcasts from the university headquarters of the Ancient Monastery of Santa Chiara, in the historic centre: "In this course we will analyze and learn how to create a quality narrative podcast from start to finish”, explain the two authors. “Starting from case studies and practical exercises, we will go through the conception phase, the writing, the choice of voice and sounds, up to the promotion and distribution”. The program also includes listening to some examples, an overview of the necessary equipment and a series of recordings, without forgetting the audio editing and more.

A path divided into phases, therefore, to offer a complete insight into all the aspects involved and to enhance a growing sector: "The podcast audience has been increasing continuously for years now", confirm Gozzoli and Cavezzali. “In 2021 there were 14,5 million Italians who listened to podcasts (Nielsen data)”. It is a form that "exalts the effectiveness and power of the oral story, relying on a radio culture that has never gone into crisis and enhancing the accessibility and quality of the listening experience that technological innovation makes available ”.

For information and registration: lab@usmaradio.org